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Balancing work and home

Striking a balance between work and home is one of the most fundamental prerequisites for leading a happy life. There is no one strategy that we all can use which will help us magically strike a balance between these two aspects of our lives. Here are some suggestions to help find and strike a healthy balance. 

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Work Life Balance

Balancing work and other aspects of our life is an essential ingredient for a content and happy existence. Without balance, focus is on one area of life at the cost of another. 

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Preparing for Retirement

Retirement is often considered a rite of passage... as inevitable as the birthdays that signal its oncoming. Although some of us do dread not having office to go to and nothing to look forward to, no break in the monotony - for many retirement is something to look forward to - a time when, as Khalil Gibran puts it, time is no longer money and hence we can spend it as we like!

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Eat right to fight stress

Your body, has a much broader definition of stress. To your body, stress is synonymous with change. Anything that causes a change in your life causes stress. Whether your circumstances are "good" or "bad" if it is a change in your life, it is stress as far as your body is concerned.

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Procrastinating? 5 Ways to Help you Power Through

Procrastination is something that all of us deal with sometime in our life, though there are some who are so disciplined that procrastination may not exist in their dictionary! This can be extremely annoying to those of us who are not made in the same mold. Is it only about discipline? Let's try and deconstruct this stubborn and often intimidating issue.

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Top Ten New Year Resolutions

Most people take the opportunity at the beginning of the year to make resolutions to live their lives more effectively. Here is a list of the most popular resolutions. In case some of these match your resolutions for this year, we have compiled some of the resources on our website that can help you get started on keeping these resolutions.

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Total 7 Pages, Total 66 records