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Morning Mayhem to Morning Raga

Weekday mornings are not something we look forward to. Most of us will be familiar with the perennial problems of rousing dawdling kids who can test the patience of a saint! The morning rush of showering, making breakfast, fixing lunch boxes, squeezing in your own morning cup of coffee, making sure homework is done and bags are packed, getting them on the school bus in time and ensuring you are ready as well, can leave anyone drained by 8 am! No wonder that by the time you get to office, you feel like you have been put through the wringer.

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Help Your Child Make Friends

Spending time and playing with friends is an important way for children to learn social skills. Kids need to be encouraged by parents to make friends when they are 3 or 4 years old, as at that time social interaction increases. Contact with the peer group makes the child more confident and facilitates learning rules like sharing, taking turns, exploring their own feelings and those of others. 

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Expressing your Anger

Anger is a  natural emotion. Anger itself is neither good nor bad, but it is often expressed in ways that are negative and destructive. When this happens, it could spoil your relationships and you would probably regret it afterwards.

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An enigma called LOVE

One can undoubtedly say that ‘Love' is one of the most studied, sung and written about topics, in existence. Everyone today seems to be going in circles to find an answer to the question - What is, in fact, this thing called ‘love'? This article defines love in a very descriptive manner and will help you identify what it might mean for you too.

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Choosing a life partner

Whether you plan to have an "arranged marriage" or to marry the person of your own choice, it is important to think whether both of you are compatible. Choosing a partner is definitely more difficult and serious than choosing a car or a shirt. Hence, how to make sure of your choice of partner?

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Stages in a relationship

Often when we fall in love we feel beautiful and believe it is forever but slowly we encounter challenges and frustrations and wonder what went wrong. The truth is that no relationship is constant - its all a process of movement and growth.

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Learning the Art of Assertiveness

To be able to say no when you want to, you first have to recognise that you also have personal needs that have to be met. It's also necessary to remember that you can't always please everyone. Try the following steps to learn when and how to say No comfortably.

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E-mail Etiquette at the Workplace

Easy access to mails and blogs on the phones, laptops and desktops has popularized the time-saving, travel-free social interactions. It has become easier to opt for work from home, manage a team from a different location and organize an official meeting without much running around just by one click on a mouse. However, since e-mails are permanent records of a person's contribution to work, it is also essential to follow some email etiquette and guidelines that convey professionalism and efficiency.

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Work Life Balance

Balancing work and other aspects of our life is an essential ingredient for a content and happy existence. Without balance, focus is on one area of life at the cost of another. 

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Total 2 Pages, Total 19 records