SELF HELP RESOURCE - Healthy Maternity / Pregnant @ work



Your body definitely goes through a barrage of changes as it accommodates a growing baby. If you are wondering how to fit in these changes with your work demands, consider this.

• Get a foot rest to put your feet up and reduce swelling in your ankles

• Get adequate support for your back by using cushions or lumbar-rolls

• Change positions as often as you can - avoid standing or sitting for too long

• During meetings try to seat yourself closest to the exit in case you need to take frequent breaks to the rest room

• Carry light, healthy snacks (fruits, nuts, sandwiches, salads, etc) that you can munch on to avert nausea and to keep yourself adequately nourished



Along with your body, your emotions are also on a rollercoaster themselves. The good news is that these can be managed to a great extent so that it doesn't interfere with you're your performance at work.

• Plan for the day to work around the new-found absentmindedness or forgetfulness that you have these days.

• During the time of the day when you are most fresh, go over the work that needs to be done, and prioritize them.

• Maintain to-do lists and keep reminders.

• Take on only as much work as you can comfortably deliver so that you are not building up frustration and disappointment.

• Discuss with your superiors if you feel overburdened and find alternatives so that the work is not stalled.

• Take a short break during your workday to refresh yourself and restore some energy to plunge back into work.

• Exercise regularly and do things that you enjoy- this can help in managing your moods.

• Keep yourself informed - by reading reliable resources on pregnancy, and talking to your doctor and other women who have had children - to put your anxieties to rest.

If you have made every effort to keep your commitments at work, you will find your manager and colleagues are probably willing to make some adjustments to accommodate your needs. You don't have to feel guilty about this. The fact is that you do need some allowances, but this is a temporary state - and most people will understand this. Do avoid pushing yourself beyond what you can comfortably manage.

If at any point you feel that you cannot manage your moods or the anxious feelings, consulting a maternity coach can help you work through it.


Latest Comments

LathaN on 26 Dec 2015, 12:34 PM

This article is very useful.