SELF HELP RESOURCE - Healthy Maternity / New Parent


Baby is fed, burped, diaper changed, napped, but still seems to be making a fuss. What could it be? Here's when you need to check if baby is uncomfortable in any way.


Is baby too hot or too cold? Like adults, babies will get fussy if they are hot and sweaty or if they feel a chill. Feel baby's back, tummy or legs to check if the temperature is right.


Check if baby is being scratched or poked by a label or zipper on his clothes. Sometimes a thread (or long hair) gets tightly wrapped around a little toe or finger and causes pain.


Sometimes babies react to tension at home. Though they are little, they can sense stress and conflict and it might upset them. So try not to have heated arguments around baby.


Baby's growing system can handle only so much input. Too many toys, people, lights, noise, etc. can be overwhelming and make a baby cry. So putting all his toys in front of him at the same time and turning on all the musical knobs may not be such a good idea. All babies have a different threshold - some thrive on more stimulation while others get overwhelmed more quickly. Get to know your baby and shield him when he gets overwhelmed.


On the other hand, babies are highly perceptive, curious and love interacting with people. Studies have shown that they prefer a human voice over a recorded voice. So don't just plop a few toys in front of baby and expect him to entertain himself. Be interactive. Talk to him, sing, clap your hands, play peek-a-boo, read, dance, play a game, etc. More than an expensive, fancy toy, baby wants your attention.

Change of scene

Sometimes babies are just bored and want a change of scene. Take your baby for a walk, to a park or with you to do some errands. She will enjoy the fresh air and change in environment.


When baby teeth come in, it causes pressure on the gums and even itching, pain and swelling. Baby will be a bit uncomfortable. Give him plenty of teething toys. Some of these can be chilled in the fridge - the coolness will soothe baby's gums and reduce swelling.

Just wants mum or dad

Babies are usually most closely attached to parents or some extended family member who is most involved in their care. As they grow and become more independent, they experience separation anxiety and need extra comfort. So sometimes they just need extra cuddles and hugs!

As a rule of thumb, if your baby's cries are overwhelming and you feel yourself getting desperate - like if baby has been crying for 20 minutes straight with no rhyme or reason, take some deep breaths and get help. Let someone else in the family try and soothe baby while you get a chance to calm down.


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