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Know about acne

Proper care and treatment can help you prevent the frequency of skin breakouts and reduce the prevalence of acne.

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Could a lack of these vitamins cause insomnia?

It is a known fact that sleep and diet are inter-connected. But did you know the role individual vitamins and minerals play in getting a good night’s sleep?

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Time Blocking: The Technique That Makes You Own Your Time

Is multitasking really as efficient as it's made out to be? Or is there a better way that helps you feel more in control of your time?

Find the answers in this intriguing article.

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Stages in a relationship

Often when we fall in love we feel beautiful and believe it is forever but slowly we encounter challenges and frustrations and wonder what went wrong. The truth is that no relationship is constant - its all a process of movement and growth.

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Fear of Speaking in Public

Do you dread having to do a formal presentation? Does the thought of speaking in meetings make you nervous? You are not alone! More than 80% of the population feels anxious when they speak to an audience. 

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Procrastinating? 5 Ways to Help you Power Through

Procrastination is something that all of us deal with sometime in our life, though there are some who are so disciplined that procrastination may not exist in their dictionary! This can be extremely annoying to those of us who are not made in the same mold. Is it only about discipline? Let's try and deconstruct this stubborn and often intimidating issue.

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Family And The Fight Against Diabetes

The fight against diabetes and other lifestyle diseases is an ongoing one. The theme of the International Diabetes Federation this year could not be more apt- Diabetes: Protect Your Family.

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Fathers - Supporters in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most essential form of providing nutrition to your little one and while direct breastfeeding is only a mother’s territory; fathers can really play a crucial role in empowering and enabling this process and relationship.

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Supporting Teenagers-From Adversary to Ally

The teenage years are some of the most turbulent times in a person?s life. It is equally turbulent for the teenagers as well as the parents of these teenagers! This article intends to look at some tips and tricks that parents can utilize in their interactions with their teenage children.

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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records