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Why we do have time for Exercise

Time!! We all have the same 24 hours of the day. Yet people say they have no time! Let's take a look at why we do have time for exercise.

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Coping After A Miscarriage

Going through a miscarriage can be a traumatic experience for a woman. If you have been through the ordeal of miscarriage, you are probably well aware of the emotional impact it can have. You have to deal with both the physical and the emotional aspects. Take a look at the emotional impact of miscarriage and how to cope in healthy ways.

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Change your Lifestyle to Fight PCOS

Statistics show that PCOS affects 25-30% of women of child bearing age. Doctors have concluded that dietary and lifestyle changes are the key to long-term management of PCOS.

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Emotional Outbursts in the Workplace

We have all heard of road rage and perhaps experienced it at some point in our lives. Just like in traffic, life in office can get hectic and cause us to have a case of desk rage.

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Coping with a Miscarriage

Going through a miscarriage can be a traumatic experience for a woman. If you have been through the ordeal of miscarriage, you are probably well aware of the emotional impact it can have. You have to deal with both the physical and the emotional aspect. Here, we look at the emotional impact of miscarriage and how to cope in healthy ways. If you are ready to try conceiving again, read on.

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Conceiving After A Miscarriage

If you have been through a miscarriage, you might be feeling pulled in two directions. Part of you might be yearning to try and conceive again while another part of you might be feeling very worried as to what will happen if you try. What if I conceive again? Will there be another miscarriage? What are the odds of that? You may have a lot of questions running through your mind. Be assured that this is normal and there are things you can do to help yourself in this process.
This article will discuss the decision of conceiving again and specific things to consider when making that decision.

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Parents Being Friends

Parenting could be a tight rope between being parents and friends of our children. Should I be a friend? Will I lose control? Will my kids take advantage of me if I get too close??

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Am I in Love?

Have you ever been crazy about someone, felt weak in the knees, been head over heels in love? Your heart stops, you feel tingly and you cannot wait for the next message about when you will next meet. You spend hours remembering every conversation you've had. It is an exciting and warm feeling and you wonder... is this what love feels like? Could this be true love?

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Resolving Parent-Teen Conflict

When you consider what is going on during adolescence, a certain amount of squabbling and argument isn't surprising. Arguments often arise out of a clash of roles. As they mature, your teenager's job is to gain greater independence from you. Your job is to protect your teenager as much as possible as they exercise more freedom and act more autonomously.

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Prepare Your Child for the Teens

Teenagers. Even the word is enough to strike terror in a parent's heart! If you've watched other parents with their teenage children or you have an older teenager yourself, you know this can be a very trying period for you and your child. There are a lot of adjustments to be made and anxieties to face, but you can also look forward to exciting changes in your child's development. This is where the Boy Scouts' motto "be prepared" can really help.



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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records