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What is Resilience?

The difference in the way people deal with adversity could be attributed to the beauty of resilience, an ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life while allowing others to overcome any adversity. The ability to recover quickly from life-altering situations, either expected or those that take us by surprise, is described as one's resilience.

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Body Shaming: Recognize the Signs & Cope With It

Body shaming is defined by Oxford Dictionary as "the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size". Unfortunately this happens often, sometimes in subtle ways, leaving a person feeling low and robbing them of self-confidence. Here's a look at how to recognize and deal with body shaming in healthy ways.

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Social Physique Anxiety - Signs & Challenges

Social Physique Anxiety, also known as SPA, is a feeling of distress and discomfort associated with the perceived evaluation of one’s physical self. It is helpful to understand the signs of SPA and how it affects our routine. To overcome a hurdle, we need to see it clearly and then set goals so that we overcome the hurdle.

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Social Physique Anxiety

Ever felt ashamed of the way you look, your height, weight, the colour of your skin? Some amount of self-criticism is normal, however, for some people, feeling dissatisfied with the way they look is a constant struggle. Find out how you can manage this anxiety.

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Coping with the Aftermath of Infidelity

Research (Atkins, Baucom & Jacobson, 2001) indicates that there are multiple factors leading to infidelity. Two prominent factors are relationship satisfaction and opportunity for attention, which is responsible for people engaging in extra-marital affairs. Find out how you can deal with this painful event.

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The Generation that 'Tweets what they Eat'

How many of us on social media post pictures of what we eat?

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How Do I Talk To My Spouse About Couple's Counseling?

Couples counseling can help couples work through conflicts and rebuild their marriage. It may not always be accepted, perhaps because we have families to talk to and help us, or one partner does not want it. At the same time, there may come a point where we don't want to involve family, the problems are not going away or we just want a better relationship. This article will describe how you can speak to your spouse about it.

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What's My Toddler Doing at 2 Years?

Your baby is now officially a toddler! In his second year of life, your child's brain development will be phenomenal. He will be on the move all the time. He will want to do things himself, but he will also be fiercely attached to you. Read on to see which developmental milestones your toddler is working on during his second year.

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Calm your Commute

The impatience of being stuck in traffic could be a strong source of anger, irritation and stress. This can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion, outbursts and road rage, and leave us in a bad mood. It can be possible to work around that irritation caused by traffic to make sure that even if nothing on the road is moving, your mood is.

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Safe Beverages during Pregnancy

Natural foods are any day better than packaged ones! Know what to choose -

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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records