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Food as a Way to Manage Stress

Eating well might be something that is usually associated with avoiding heart disease, or diabetes. However, the food we eat also has a bearing on our mental health (Ross, 2013). 

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become a popular eating pattern to lose weight, to manage diabetes, cholesterol and many lifestyle related diseases . Unlike most diets, it doesn’t restrict one’s choices of food. The key focus is only on the meal timing. 

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From Procrastination to Progress

As the time passes, our evolving human mind constantly works on multiple aspects of thoughts and emotions. Every emotion multiplies and our thoughts wander off. We must have heard of the phrase- Let your imaginations run wild. As free as it may make us feel, there is another side to all our excessive thoughts & imaginations, which is also called as procrastination.

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Homemade healthy winter beverages

Staying healthy in winter can be a challenging task at hand, especially when diseases are rampant. Winter weather can make it difficult to ramp up the level of immunity. Including warm fluids can be soothing and helps improve immunity. 

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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Working Women

Approaching weight loss can come with its own set of challenges and misconceptions. A large number of diets provide instant solutions promising quick weight loss. Diet pills, slimming shakes, sauna belts, herbal teas –the list is endless. But what is the best way to approach healthy weight loss, especially as a working woman?

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Managing Well-Being: 5 Ways You Can Lead Your Team on The Path of Well-Being

One of the many ways a manager, supervisor, or team lead can support their team is by encouraging them to focus on their well-being. In the changing workplace, this responsibility has become even more important. Are you worried about the well-being of your team but uncertain how you can help them prioritise it? Here's a small primer to help you through.

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8 Tips for Managing WFH as a Mother

While working in a typical office setting is still the norm, work from home options are now also in place. This especially enables companies to retain their women employees. For new moms, this is especially beneficial as they can then continue working while also being at close proximity to their babies and children.

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Foods that can cause heartburn

Heart burn is one of the most common issues in recent times and is frequently mistaken to be a heart attack by many. Heart burn is usually the pain or burn that occurs when the acid in stomach flows back to esophagus. It can get worse after eating few foods or lying down. Most people also have pressure on their throat because of acid reflux. 

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Health benefits of bone broth

A steaming hot bowl of soup with vegetables or meat seems ideal on a cold winter day. When consumed, this has been known to strengthen joints and even prevent inflammation.

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5 effects of sugar on the body

Know why is added sugar bad for you.

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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records