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Leaf Rubbing

Now get your child connected with nature while you enjoy seeing them having fun with colors.

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Art and Craft

In this section you will find a whole lot of activities that you can share with your child. Your child will learn different skills while doing fun activities.

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Water Play

Children love playing with water, and parents often discourage this. But in fact kids can learn a lot from water play, while having lots of fun. Water is familiar to them from their time in the womb and is a kinesthetically pleasurable and calming substance for most children.


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Make Holidays Memorable and Fun

You may have started thinking of ways to keep your child entertained, occupied, and out of trouble during summer holidays. Learn how to make holidays more fun and productive for your child.

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Financial Crisis: Overcoming fear and stress

News of the crashing stock-market, recession, layoffs, salary cuts, and the uncertain financial situation is certainly a cause of great stress to most people. In the current economic situation the fear of unemployment is also very real. Experts recommend a number of steps that could be helpful, and warn against others that are actually counter-productive. Here is a look at some of these.

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Shyness in the Workplace

When shyness is properly managed, there is no limit to the achievement of shy people in the business world. Even the Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen, one of the world's richest and most successful people in the world, is a shy person. What do shy people who succeed professionally have in common? They are in control of their shyness instead of it controlling them!

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Alcohol and Drug Abuse : What a Manager Can Do?

Excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs not only harms the individual concerned, but also affects his work. Performance goes down and often absenteeism and late-coming increases. There are chances of inappropriate behaviour that could affect the rest of the team, and various disciplinary issues may arise. With all these negative effects, a company cannot afford to ignore the problem.

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Performance appraisal

Performance appraisals are never the best time of the year. Often we only get a glimpse into one side of the story - either the manager's or the employee's side. This article gives you a glimpse into the side that you do not know about.

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Fear of Speaking in Public

Do you dread having to do a formal presentation? Does the thought of speaking in meetings make you nervous? You are not alone! More than 80% of the population feels anxious when they speak to an audience. 

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Wishing For A Perfect Boss?

Who is a perfect boss: the one who is cheerful, professional, experienced and fair. But in reality this does not exist. Building a productive working relationship with the existing imperfect boss is a more practical solution. 

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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records