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Expectations In Relationships

All relationships have expectations attached. Each spouse would have their own set of expectations based on their own emotional and physical needs. Sometimes partners are unaware of the other's expectations or do not understand them. Here are some ways to resolve the confusion.

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Life After Divorce

Divorce is something that you thought happens to other people, something that you have privately in your heart thought ?will never happen to me', because in some magical way YOU will be able to solve whatever is wrong in your marriage. But perhaps after a very difficult time in the marriage, and even worse time during the divorce, you have become something that you never thought you would be...a divorcee.

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Reasons for Marriage

Entering into a marriage bond for the wrong reasons or reasons that are quite different from that of your partner could lead to disappointment and frustration, even gradual drifting apart.

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Sharing Household Responsibilities

In order to avoid putting your relationship at risk, and to avoid feeling as if you are doing everything in the house, it is important to share household responsibilities with your spouse. While this might sound like a good deal, getting partners to happily participate in household work is not always an easy task. Effectively communicating your perspective and planning mutually convenient schedules are the keys to working around this concern.

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How Do I Tell My Parents?

After a long courtship you have made the decision. You know that he/she is the one, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But how do you tell your parents this? Telling your parents that you have decided the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is probably the biggest hurdle that is standing between you and your ?happily ever after'.

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Building Trust

It is common knowledge that trust is the foundation of a healthy marriage. That's why it is necessary to learn to find a healthy way to handle conflicts, understand why they keep cropping up and work on resolving them in order to rebuild trust in your relationship. This article explores more on this topic...

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What is your love language?

Speaking in your partner's love language probably won't be natural for you. But nonetheless if you try to understand and speak your mate's love language, in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is the key!!

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Stages in a relationship

Often when we fall in love we feel beautiful and believe it is forever but slowly we encounter challenges and frustrations and wonder what went wrong. The truth is that no relationship is constant - its all a process of movement and growth.

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Communication Disorders in Adults

Communication is an ultimate medium of human interaction. One might experience certain communication difficulties or may have a Communication Disorder. There is help available and most of these disorders can be successfully treated. Read to know more.

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Sexual Concerns

Sexual concerns can be very distressing, more so because this continues to be a ?taboo' subject for most of us in our country. Therapists who work in the area of sexual concerns say that there are certain ways in which people are most helped to overcome problems in this area. Find out if you are dealing with similar issues.

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Total 16 Pages, Total 157 records