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Why we do have time for Exercise

Time!! We all have the same 24 hours of the day. Yet people say they have no time! Let's take a look at why we do have time for exercise.

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Change your Lifestyle to Fight PCOS

Statistics show that PCOS affects 25-30% of women of child bearing age. Doctors have concluded that dietary and lifestyle changes are the key to long-term management of PCOS.

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Preventing Sexual Harassment : A Manager's Role

Managers can do a lot to create work environments where sexual harassment will be less likely to occur. With preventive measures in place managers have the opportunity to address potential harassment before a situation escalates.

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Dual Career Couples

We live in a world that is not only competitive but constantly evolving. With both partners working there are bound to be conflicts, whether they are about parenting, finance, in-laws or even careers. These challenges are inevitable but if these are not dealt with immediately, the stress can have unpleasant consequences on the relationship with your partner

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Why do I go on Binge Eating Cycles ?.

Research has proven that certain foods produce "feel good" chemicals like serotonin and endorphins in our brains that can literally be addictive. After an episode of binge eating, often the binger feels a loss of control, shame, and guilt. The pressure from society, the media, or family members makes people want those perfect bodies . In their desperation to achieve an unattainable standard, they refrain from eating and deprive themselves of food.

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Get Organised

Life these days seems to be lived on the run! The whole family rushes to get out of the house dot on time in the morning, and once you are back in the evening there is still so much to do in the few remaining hours. What can help is keeping your home organized - this will save valuable time and you can manage to accomplish all you need to... and still keep your sanity! Read on to learn ways to get organized...

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Pocket Money - Learning Financial Management

Managing your finances is such an important life skill, however, no school teaches children how to do that. Pocket money or allowance can be a great way to teach children money management skills. By managing their pocket money your child can learn how to make decisions, deal with limited resources, and understand the benefits of saving and donating.

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Parents Get Mad Too!

Remember that if you are tired, fatigued or stressed, you may react by lashing out at your child. It happens to most parents at some point or another. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to minimize or avoid the likelihood of over-reacting and remain in control when stress is high.

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Save time at home

Finding it hard to find enough time to finish your tasks? Spend less time, try more of focusing and self-discipline to get more personal time. Let's see how.

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Expressing your Anger

Anger is a  natural emotion. Anger itself is neither good nor bad, but it is often expressed in ways that are negative and destructive. When this happens, it could spoil your relationships and you would probably regret it afterwards.

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Total 4 Pages, Total 32 records