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Food as a Way to Manage Stress

Eating well might be something that is usually associated with avoiding heart disease, or diabetes. However, the food we eat also has a bearing on our mental health (Ross, 2013). 

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become a popular eating pattern to lose weight, to manage diabetes, cholesterol and many lifestyle related diseases . Unlike most diets, it doesn’t restrict one’s choices of food. The key focus is only on the meal timing. 

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8 Tips for Managing WFH as a Mother

While working in a typical office setting is still the norm, work from home options are now also in place. This especially enables companies to retain their women employees. For new moms, this is especially beneficial as they can then continue working while also being at close proximity to their babies and children.

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Time Blocking: The Technique That Makes You Own Your Time

Is multitasking really as efficient as it's made out to be? Or is there a better way that helps you feel more in control of your time?

Find the answers in this intriguing article.

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Procrastinating? 5 Ways to Help you Power Through

Procrastination is something that all of us deal with sometime in our life, though there are some who are so disciplined that procrastination may not exist in their dictionary! This can be extremely annoying to those of us who are not made in the same mold. Is it only about discipline? Let's try and deconstruct this stubborn and often intimidating issue.

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Upskilling and Role-Shifts: How Senior Employees Can Adapt to a Change in Job Environment

Moving towards a managerial role comes with several different challenges. One of these involves having a qualitative shift in one's work style - this means learning to grow in your own role and creating an environment that fosters the career-growth of others in your team. Let's look at some ways in which you can manage the different changes that come with this role-shift. 

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6 Health Benefits of Lentils

Lentils are a staple in an Indian diet. Let us look at their health benefits.

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Foods That Help Reduce Stress

What you eat makes a difference to your mental health. Read on to find out what foods to have and avoid to manage your stress levels better. 

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Psychological Safety in the Workplace: The Role of Managers

Feeling accepted in your place of work is a must for any professional. However, many people face the issue of feeling discriminated against due to their race, language, colour of skin, ideas, life stage, and many other reasons. This causes a lot of distress and sometimes is the reason a person quits. Find out what you as a manager can do to create psychological safety in your place of work.

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The Generation that 'Tweets what they Eat'

How many of us on social media post pictures of what we eat?

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Total 4 Pages, Total 32 records