
Protect yourself from swine flu

Swine flu is on the rise this winter !  Learn more about what swine flu is, how it spreads and ways to stay safe..

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Take 10 oaths to stop diabetes!

Take these 10 oaths today to stop diabetes.

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Is wine good for your heart ?

A lot has been spoken about wine being great for heart health.  But is that really true ?

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Keep yourself healthy during monsoons!

After the scorching summer, one of the seasons which everyone looks forward to is monsoons. But, the rains also bring along a large number of health problems.

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Infertility - The Death of a Dream

Children are the essence, the core, of the traditional family. Traditionally and historically children have been prescribed, and frequently desired. Historically as well as today, children are seen as a necessity for carrying a family's name into future generations. Those who are unable to have a child through the natural birth process are considered infertile.


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AIDS - What we all need to know

The truth that stares in our face is that "HIV infection is now common in India, exactly what the prevalence is, is not really known, but it can be stated without any fear of being wrong that infection is widespread. It is spreading rapidly into those segments that society in India does not recognize as being at risk. AIDS is coming out of the closet." 

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A.I.D.S : How do we protect ourselves?

How do we protect ourselves against the HIV / AIDS virus? To answer this we need to first understand how this virus is contracted. This will help us take the necessary precautions and protective measures.

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Misconceptions on Impotence

Sexual impotence is perhaps the most poorly understood and mismanaged of all medical disorders. This is because of ignorance, misconceptions, superstition attached to anything sexual in the minds of the layperson. 

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The DASH Diet

The DASH diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The two key studies were supported by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). 


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Prevention of Hypertension

Hypertension also called high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for heart and kidney diseases, stroke, and heart failure. 

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Total 11 Pages, Total 108 records