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When Travel Keeps You Apart

When people decide to get married they also prepare themselves for the challenges of physical distance that may come along. For example, a business trip, relocation, higher education, or attending to an elderly family member. During the separation period, your trust, patience and commitment is brought to test. However, there are ways to ease the impact of the distance.

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Are you in an abusive relationship?

If you can't love someone without feeling afraid, it's time to get out of the relationship.Sometimes, a relationship that starts out well turns sour. It is not always easy to recognize if you are in an abusive relationship. Some of the signs of abuse can be learnt through this article.

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Infidelity: What it does to your Marriage

There was a time when people were shocked at the idea of an extra-marital affair. But now, even in India, these ‘casual affairs' are much more commonplace and almost acceptable. But are these affairs to be taken so casually? 

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Facets of Love

The experience of love can be different for different people. However, some of the most prominent components that have been used to describe love are discussed this article.

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Safety Precautions in a Relationship

If you are in a relationship where you do not know the other person very well or if there are some indications of abusive patterns in an ongoing relationship, you need to exercise caution.

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Energise Your Marriage

Our relationships with our spouses have an impact on all areas of our life. How committed and compatible we are and the degree of satisfaction we experience directly affects our productivity. Research indicates that those who are happy at home are less stressed at their workplace. Find ways to improve on your relationship.

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The First Year of Marriage

A lot happens in the first year of marriage.Whlie there are many emotions involved during the initial years, there is also no specific rules or manual that a couple can use to have a perfect first year. However couples can stay prepared and this article helps with exactly that!

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How To End A Relationship

When you are very sure that you do not want to continue a relationship, it is only fair to clearly convey this to your partner. This is certainly a difficult task - there is no easy way to do it. But there are some guidelines that can help you go about it the right way, so that both of you can eventually recover and move on.

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Long Distance Relationships

In this day and age when we move away from our home town in search of better prospects, it is not unnatural to find ourselves in the middle of what we call a Long Distance Relationship. These relationships can be difficult and this article helps you with ways to handle the difficulties.

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Total 8 Pages, Total 71 records