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Kinkeeping: The Invisible Burden

Today, many women in India are stepping out to work, driven by ambition or financial necessity. However, despite this change, household duties remain largely unchanged. Women are still seen as the primary caregivers, expected to manage the home and family even if they hold full-time jobs.  

This burden, often invisible and unacknowledged, is known as "kinkeeping." Carolyn Rosenthal, a professor emeritus of sociology at McMaster University in Canada, coined this term in 1985. It describes the unpaid labour that women do to maintain family connections and traditions. This includes remembering birthdays, planning gifts, organizing family events, keeping track of rituals and customs, and managing household supplies, etc. In Indian culture, these responsibilities are often considered a woman's duty, regardless of her marital status or whether she has children. 

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Overcoming Social Stigma Attached To COVID-19

COVID-19 brought with it many challenges and changes, and consequently, our interactions and reactions to those impacted by the disease. Read on to understand how you can overcome the stigma associated with being infected by COVID-19. 

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Four Failings: Why Relationships Fall Apart

Healthy and stable relationships comprise the most meaningful aspect of life, giving a source of deep fulfilment. Hence unhealthy relationships lead to additional amount of stress in our life. Get an insight about why people experience difficulty in their relationships.

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A Roadmap to Relationships

Human beings thrive on connection and suffer greatly in its absence. A large part of our lives is spent interacting with other people or thinking about such interactions. There are undeniable, profound psychological benefits of having close relationships. This article shows how you can build meaningful and long-lasting relationships to reap these benefits.

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Your Relationships and You

Conflict is a natural part of different kinds of relationships. Our own unique life experiences cause us to deal with them in a certain way. While doing this is understandable, it is also helpful to learn about certain strategies that can help us handle these conflicts better, overall.

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Relationship Building Hacks

It is possible to develop certain traits at work to form better workplace connections. Look at this list to find out how. 

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Safeguarding Your Well-Being In Relationship Difficulties

Do you feel like you and your partner keep falling into a harmful pattern that isn't good for your relationship? There are some ways in which you can be more aware of what is wrong and make amends for a more loving, nurturing relationship. 

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Rebuilding Trust in Relationships After Infidelity

Are you questioning the future of your relationship after being cheated on by your partner? Are you unsure whether what your partner is doing constitutes infidelity? Read on to find out more!

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Formula For A Great Relationship

A healthy relationship is set on three building blocks: cohesion, flexibility, and communication. Let's look at how these different building blocks work in conjunction with each other to establish a great relationship.

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Total 8 Pages, Total 71 records