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How Do I Stop Being a People Pleaser ?

To answer this question, we must first ask ourselves another one: "How do I know if I’m a people pleaser?"  

The act of people-pleasing is often disguised as selflessness, kindness, and helpfulness. However, it inevitably generates a deep sense of unfulfillment and resentment in the people-pleaser. People pleasing can feel a lot like the inability to say "no", feeling like you have way too much on your plate and aren’t coping, or a need to always be available for your loved ones, sometimes (or often) at our own expense. If you resonate with these experiences, you may be struggling with people-pleasing tendencies.  

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Are You Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene is a series of habits and practices necessary to improve your quality of sleep and help you stay active in the day.  

Attaining healthy sleep is a crucial factor in both physical and mental wellbeing. It improves your overall productivity, controls your metabolic hormone system, keeps your weight under control and lastly improves your quality of life, as your body repairs and renews itself when you are asleep.   

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Nurture Your Self-Confidence

Rabia, a diligent student, was once given feedback about a mistake by their professor. While they were able to deliver that assignment, the input and the mistake made them doubt their skills. They began to fear deadlines, which affected their overall performance. They sought counselling sessions as they thought they were not a good fit for their course. Krushan’s friends are quite keen to help them whenever they need it. After all, Krushan has been there for their friends as a support system during any crises. However, every time Krushan needs help, they tend to overthink and struggle to ask for help. Krushan fears they might end up annoying or disturbing their friends unnecessarily.

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Setting Goals for Yourself

Without goals, you may lack focus and direction. Goals provide purpose and meaning and are a benchmark for determining achievement and success. That being said, vague goals are not very helpful. Your goals need to be SMART that is, Specific, Measurable, Adequate, Realistic and Time bound.

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Get Organised

Life these days seems to be lived on the run! Most of us rush to get out of the house dot on time in the morning, and once you are back from college in the evening, there is still so much to do in the few remaining hours. What can help is keeping your home or your room organised - this will save valuable time and you can accomplish all you need to... and keep your sanity! 

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