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Live-in Relationships

Living in or cohabitating means two people are staying together out of mutual consent with no legal bond. A person is free to walk out of the relationship as and when he or she feels like it - there are no court cases or alimony. No one is questionable or accountable to the other.

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Age Gap in Relationships

Are you or someone close to you, struggling to get into or move ahead in a relationship where there is a wide difference in age between the partners? Learn more about the aspects of age gap, pros and cons to it and how to take it further. This could be beneficial to begin the journey as well.

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When Your Wife Goes Out to Work

Traditionally, men have been the bread-winners and women took care of the home. However in today's world, large numbers of women are working outside the home and this trend is increasing. As a result, there are fears about how the home will run and couples worry about the lack of time for each other. This can perhaps lead to a change in the husband-wife equation too! These are very real concerns and it is important for husbands and wives to discuss them and decide how they are going to make things work.

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Communication in Marriage

Let us look at some of the simplest ways to begin the process of good communication in marriage. This article will guide you with basic steps towards preventing a communication gap and communicating more effectively with your partner.

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Types of Intimacy

There are many different types of intimacy - emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, recreational and sexual. We may share certain intimacies with our family members, other intimacies with friends, and most intimacies with our partner/spouse. This article explains the different types of intimacies and gives you ways to cultivate them with your spouse.

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Contraceptives - A Doctor's View

The need for contraception is almost universal in the adult world. Myths about various contraceptives abound, but the fact remains that no single device combines 100% safety, efficacy, reversibility and ease of use. Dr. Vijaya Sherbet, a practicing gynaecologist, comments on the common forms of contraception.

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9 Rules For a Good Marriage

This article helps one see the factors and tasks a marriage takes to grow with each passing moment. It also shows that people in a good marriage have completed few psychological "tasks" which you can also use for yourself. Read and learn more about your relationship.

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Only a Housewife

Do you know someone who is a full-time housewife? Maybe you've looked at her with envy thinking what a nice life! She stays at home all day. No tensions, pressures or deadlines. However, there is another side to it.

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Signs of an unhealthy relationship

A happy and balanced relationship involves a great amount of mutual respect, openness, accountability and genuine appreciation for each another. This article will help you find out what can lead to an unhealthy relationship or identify those signs before it happens to you as well.

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How much should I give in?

A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece. We often we do not think about the long term impact of doing so. This article would help recognize the true meaning, need and importance of compromising in relationships.

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Total 3 Pages, Total 23 records