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When Travel Keeps You Apart

When people decide to get married they also prepare themselves for the challenges of physical distance that may come along. For example, a business trip, relocation, higher education, or attending to an elderly family member. During the separation period, your trust, patience and commitment is brought to test. However, there are ways to ease the impact of the distance.

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Are you in an abusive relationship?

If you can't love someone without feeling afraid, it's time to get out of the relationship.Sometimes, a relationship that starts out well turns sour. It is not always easy to recognize if you are in an abusive relationship. Some of the signs of abuse can be learnt through this article.

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Sharing Household Responsibilities

In order to avoid putting your relationship at risk, and to avoid feeling as if you are doing everything in the house, it is important to share household responsibilities with your spouse. While this might sound like a good deal, getting partners to happily participate in household work is not always an easy task. Effectively communicating your perspective and planning mutually convenient schedules are the keys to working around this concern.

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Total 3 Pages, Total 23 records