Considering the distances one has to commute and the traffic one faces to reach ones workplace there really are many advantages of working from home.~~You can set your own schedule, ~~don't need a fancy wardrobe, ~~don't have commuting expenses, ~~may be able to avoid daycare, ~~can be there when your child comes home from school or even home school your child. You can work from home if you have a cold without infecting the entire staff!!! Whether we are telecommuting to our workplace, or at home because of maternity issues- working from home seems such an ideal solution. 
We can very easily conjure up the benefits that come with working from home. It seems like a win- win situation, but if you're not careful, you can fall into “work at home” pitfalls. Some of these pitfalls are actually disguised as work at home benefits. 
No structured schedule: 
The freedom to work anytime may seem like one of the greatest benefits, but there is a downside. When you have a job out in an office you have a structured schedule, but when working from home, a structured schedule can sometimes go out of the door if you're not careful. We can allow ourselves to think we don't have a certain time that we need to start work, that we don't have to get dressed to go to work, that we can allow ourselves to get distracted by different things because we can always catch up later - all because we are at home. But nothing could be further from the truth. Working from home has to be treated as work. 
The first thing to do is plan a schedule to work from home. Have a schedule that you follow each day, unless there is an important reason like a doctor's appointment or a family emergency because of which you cannot keep the schedule. These reasons disrupt your work in the actual work environment too, so working from home should be no different. 
Second, always dress for work. Some of us might think that getting dressed in a nice outfit is pointless when working from home, but getting dressed really helps you to feel like you're heading into the workday, not just lounging around the house. 
Next, create an office space for you to work in, maybe a spare room in your house, or just a corner of the house where you know you can have some peace and quiet. Keep your personal phone switched off so that you are not distracted by personal calls. At the most you can give your official number for emergency contact, like to your kid's school so they can contact you if they need to. For the most part, your official number should be used for business purposes only. Have a laptop or desktop computer set up that is for business use only. Don't be tempted to surf the net during what should be work time. Also, if there is anyone at home with you, tell them that you're not to be interrupted unless it's important. The next tip is to always keep your work a priority. Don't let being at home distract you from the things you need to do. It takes a lot of discipline, but you've got to stay on task. Remember that you won't have a boss observing your work, so it's up to you to figure out what needs to be done first. 
Children (or pets) will distract you: 
Technology has made it easier to hold meetings between people in different locations, but if you're working from home, there's no way to control what will happen. All mothers know that young children don't always know when to stay quiet. A very practical suggestion is to get a headset for your phone, and make sure the phone has a mute button. It's also important to be upfront with your clients and explain that you work from home so that you don't feel that you have to hide background noises, like the barking dogs or babbling toddlers! As long as you're professional and deliver a quality product or service, most people don't mind. The best option however is not to compromise. Spend some money and hire a nanny so that you can focus on the job completely. 
People don't take you seriously: 
This is another major disadvantage. Despite the fact that Work from home is a common option these days, it still remains a struggle dealing with stereotypes about work from home. Some co workers don't always give you the respect and may think that people who work from home are shirking work or are on a paid vacation. However if you are sincerely working hard and you are delivering your share of work, the tongue wagging will not last long. It is the same that goes while dealing with relatives and friends. You have to be firm and tell them that you are at work, and don't be afraid to say no if they expect you to shop and do something with them during the day. 
Know when to stop working: 
Because you're at home, you may get carried away and keep working well into the late hours. This isn't a good idea. Your work shouldn't be the only thing in your life, especially if you have a family. Once again, keep a set schedule. Even if you feel something needs to get done for your job, there will always be the next day to take care of it. 


Maintain relationship with your co-workers :  

One of the disadvantages of working from home is the fact that it tends to get lonely. Most people see work as a place where they will be able to socialize and make new friends. At home, you do not have this advantage, and being by yourself all day can get to be pretty depressing. When your boss or coworkers do not see you regularly at the office, you might fall out of the social loop and miss opportunities to build relationships and network. So even if your work does not require you to come to office, do get out at regular intervals to meet up with the other staff and keep up to date on the office social calendar. 
Remember to get out of the house from time to time: 
One good thing about working outside the house is that you actually get outside the house. If you need to take a short walk around the neighborhood to sort through your thoughts, go for it without feeling guilty. Remember that in a structured office environment you will always get breaks and a lunch hour. Working from home should be no different, so have a break time and lunchtime and take this time to unwind and maybe even get some air. 
Learning the proper balance between your work and your personal life will definitely help you avoid the pitfalls and reap the benefits of working from home. 

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