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Ever prepared a healthy meal for your child only to have it rejected by your little one's fussy eating habits? This can be very disappointing and stressful for you.

It may help to know that being a picky eater is a common part of the toddler age group. Being a fussy eater isn't always about food, but is when the child is growing and wants to assert his/ her independence. This can even be seen when they want to have their own choices when it comes to dressing or choice of toys.

This is just a phase and usually passes as the child grows. A child grows rapidly during their first year, after this the weight gain is slower and children are more active, eating on the go. They prefer small, easy to eat snacks through the day. Do not focus on the fuss they make, choose to ignore this so it does not develop into a habit. This can perhaps change the way you feed your child causing less stress and disappointment.

It is wise not to focus on particular foods or portion sizes eaten during the day, instead make sure the child has a balance of nutrients over the course of a week. Toddlers have what is called ‘food neophobia'- fear of trying new foods. You can feed them foods they like eating and are familiar with. Introduce new foods at intervals along with a familiar food, if they refuse them, you can try again after sometime.

Tips for handling meal times:

1. Make meal times pleasant and eat as a family. Let your child eat at the table. Do not worry about spills and the mess your child may make.

2. Your child learns by example. It is your responsibility to choose healthy foods and cook those using healthy cooking methods like steaming or baking. Children like foods that are served creatively, do your best to try and achieve this. They will tend to eat foods they see you eating, it also goes to say that you should not show any dislike or aversion for a particular food if you want your child to learn by your example.

3. Encourage your child when they eat a new food or when they eat by themselves. Children like being praised; this instils a positive attitude in them in relation to food.

4. Do not leave food in front of your little one for more than half an hour. Remove the plate. It may be that they have eaten enough. Never force feed children a predetermined amount of food. Keep in mind that they are small and can eat just a limited quantity. Force feeding makes the whole experience negative and can lead to obesity later on in life.

5. Children may also improve in their eating habits when they eat with other kids their own age. Especially when he/ she starts going to school and there is no one to personally coax or feed them

6. Distractions or diversions may work from time to time. But it should not be made a regular part of meal times. The TV, games and toys make concentration for the child difficult.

7. Try and keep 2 flavours (sweet and savoury) or textures (crunchy and crisp) available to interest your child. Some parents bribe their children to finish their meal with the promise of a sweet treat later on. This is wrong and will make him develop a negative attitude towards his main meal.

8. When your child is older, involve them in meal preparing activities like choosing fruits and vegetables. Even in the kitchen they can be entrusted with simple and safe tasks. This involvement can get them interested in their meals and promotes positive eating habits.

9. Keep a food log of what your child has eaten for a week. This should involve all the food groups - carbohydrates, protein, fruit and vegetables

10. Remember a child needs 1000-1200 kcal for the day. This may not strictly come from meals, but could also come from snacks or other fluids. So do not worry about whether your child is getting enough nutrition as long as meals, snacks and fluids contain a good mix of all the food groups.

11. Respect tiny tummies. Keep in mind a child's stomach is the size of his fist. Keep portion sizes small, your child will ask for more food when they feel hungry. This less is more approach is a good strategy for dealing with the picky eater and also helps in stabilizing blood-sugar levels, which minimize mood swings.

Do not:

• Coax or bribe your toddler

• Offer sweets as a treat/ reward

• Offer favourite foods always

• Fill them up on water or drinks( juice, milk etc.) just before meals

• Offer snacks before a meal

You can try:

• Finger foods: Sliced fruit and boiled bite sized pieces of vegetables can be placed on a low table for the child to access as they play. However, these should be kept away from dust and flies. You can try fruit or veggies cut into interesting shapes

• Healthy dips can be served as accompaniments to the fruit and vegetables. Try dips like hummus, yoghurt, cheese, peanut butter etc. These can also be used as toppings which create a blend of colour and texture

• Smoothies with a blend of milk and fruits provide at least 2 food groups

• Make soups with vegetables, this is a good way of sneaking in veggies your child may not like to eat.


Latest Comments

abrarmkh on 05 May 2016, 08:20 AM

is this true about the sugar free tablets we get and use for our tea/coffe??

manojsoni80 on 31 Mar 2016, 09:01 AM

Very good article..