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Teaching Children to Handle Failure

Failure is something that none of us are comfortable with and if it were possible, we would very likely banish from this world! But that again depends on what our conditioning and beliefs are about failure. What did the significant adults in our lives teach us about success and failure or how did they handle failure? Herein lie vital clues about our own belief systems, the influence this has on our take on the matter and how we talk to our children about failure.

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Stress Proofing Your Child

If you feel that stress affects only adults and if you have been thinking, "but childhood means being carefree and happy, isn't it?", then think again. In a world of academic pressures and where tough competition exists with the need to perform to one's best, you may be worried about your child's future career and success. While many of these expectations can be motivating, excessive pressure can result in psychological ill-health and lower levels of well-being for children.

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Exam Time- Stressful Time

Examination times are not only stressful for children, but parents too! If parents really want to help their children, they need to be realistic and balanced in their approach. It would then be imperative to know what factors are counterproductive to performance, and then work towards overcoming them. Here are some tips on helping your kids deal with exams effectively.

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When Your Child Leaves Home for College

As a parent you want your child to do well and you are proud when they get a seat in a college they desire. Yet, most parents would agree that a part of them secretly wants their child to never leave home. You want to protect your child from hurt, failure and the various bumps on the road to adulthood.

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