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From Baby Bottles to Boardrooms: Parenting Skills That Transfer to the Workplace

Parenting trains you like nothing else. This training will not go to waste. Some of the skills you learn as a new parent can be used in office as well.

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Raising a well adjusted child

Have you thought of qualities that would help your child in being a well adjusted individual as they grow up? Parents wonder about ways in which they can help their child be prepared for the roles and responsibilities they will take on. Teaching your child to express themselves appropriately, building meaningful relationships can be tough. Here are some ways in which you can teach them these skills.

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Can children be praised too much?

We all understand that praise does encourage and sometimes motivate a person to do better. Books and articles on parenting talk about the benefits of praise, but is there a problem with too much praise? Does excessive praise affect a child's behaviour and emotional growth? What does too much praise do to a child?

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Helping Children with Homework

Homework is a chore not just for children, but also for parents, especially in the Indian context of education. In the emerging nuclear and double income family set-up, with multiple things vying for attention, the challenges of finding time for the children's homework and project work are even more. While earlier, in a joint family there would always be some uncle, aunt or cousin in the family who was proficient enough in science, math or languages to pitch in with your kids, now we have to find time to do it ourselves or arrange for tuition. In fact there are some children who go to tuition only to deal with their homework! This is actually counterproductive because the purpose of homework is lost.

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Are you a Helicopter Parent?

A "helicopter parent" is a common term used to describe a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's experiences and problems. Like helicopters, they hover overhead!" The helicopter parent's involvement can extend to their children's academics, extra-curricular activities, the kind of friends they have, sports and every other activity in their lives.

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Resolving Parent-Teen Conflict

When you consider what is going on during adolescence, a certain amount of squabbling and argument isn't surprising. Arguments often arise out of a clash of roles. As they mature, your teenager's job is to gain greater independence from you. Your job is to protect your teenager as much as possible as they exercise more freedom and act more autonomously.

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3 Steps to Connect With Your Child

Communicating with children is not just one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child, but it also plays a major role in developing the personality of your child. This article will to help you learn certain communication tips that could enhance your relationship with your child.


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Teaching Children to Handle Failure

Failure is something that none of us are comfortable with and if it were possible, we would very likely banish from this world! But that again depends on what our conditioning and beliefs are about failure. What did the significant adults in our lives teach us about success and failure or how did they handle failure? Herein lie vital clues about our own belief systems, the influence this has on our take on the matter and how we talk to our children about failure.

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Parents Get Mad Too!

Remember that if you are tired, fatigued or stressed, you may react by lashing out at your child. It happens to most parents at some point or another. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to minimize or avoid the likelihood of over-reacting and remain in control when stress is high.

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Parenting for Inter-Cultural Couples

In today's connected world, inter-cultural marriages are common. Many families have a cross-cultural or inter-faith marriage and while this is a phenomenon to be welcomed, it does bring with it a host of new challenges for young parents. This union can be very enriching for the children as their world view widens with their exposure to varied food, culture and language. The flip side is that it could lead to cultural clashes about how the child should be raised.

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Total 4 Pages, Total 39 records