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Shy? Overhaul your thinking

Shyness is often a result of the way you think about yourself. See if you identify with any of the negative thoughts described below. If you do, you will need to replace them with more realistic, positive thoughts.

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Teaching Children to Handle Failure

Failure is something that none of us are comfortable with and if it were possible, we would very likely banish from this world! But that again depends on what our conditioning and beliefs are about failure. What did the significant adults in our lives teach us about success and failure or how did they handle failure? Herein lie vital clues about our own belief systems, the influence this has on our take on the matter and how we talk to our children about failure.

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Financial Crisis: Overcoming fear and stress

News of the crashing stock-market, recession, layoffs, salary cuts, and the uncertain financial situation is certainly a cause of great stress to most people. In the current economic situation the fear of unemployment is also very real. Experts recommend a number of steps that could be helpful, and warn against others that are actually counter-productive. Here is a look at some of these.

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