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Multiple Pregnancies

Multiple pregnancies can be managed by frequent prenatal visits to monitor health of both mother and foetuses and check for complications.

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Raising Twins

Raising twins brings in a lot of excitement and anxiety to the parents concerned. Alhthough challenging at times, it brings great joy to watch two children grow simultaneously. It is is more than double the work. It takes some time to figure out how to manage all the demands, logistics and emotions that make up the twin life. Each new stage presents new challenges, but it is also amazing how twin parents (and other multiple parents) are able to overcome each hurdle.

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The Superwoman Syndrome

The new Superwoman is ordinary in that she is neither rich nor famous. She is extraordinary in that she tries to be everything to everyone - juggling family life, social life, and commitments outside the home. The new Superwoman 'has it all' by 'doing it all' with superlative standards and ends up feeling overwhelmed, overextended, overworked and under-appreciated. Ever wondered where this term "Superwoman Syndrome" originated? Read on to find out...

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