The Superwoman Syndrome

multi-tasking multiple roles responsibilities professional worker mother wife expectations stress guilt control balance realistic prioritize expectations

The new Superwoman is ordinary in that she is neither rich nor famous. She is extraordinary in that she tries to be everything to everyone - juggling family life, social life, and commitments outside the home. The new Superwoman 'has it all' by 'doing it all' with superlative standards and ends up feeling overwhelmed, overextended, overworked and under-appreciated. Ever wondered where this term "Superwoman Syndrome" originated? Read on to find out...




By calling women Goddesses and superwomen, an unrealistic expectation to have it all together all the time is imposed on them. It\'s time that the burden of this expectation is no longer imposed on them. A very important piece


well said...

sivananda Reddy

Good Article on how to keep resolutions alive through out the year