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What is Resilience?

The difference in the way people deal with adversity could be attributed to the beauty of resilience, an ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life while allowing others to overcome any adversity. The ability to recover quickly from life-altering situations, either expected or those that take us by surprise, is described as one's resilience.

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Raising a well adjusted child

Have you thought of qualities that would help your child in being a well adjusted individual as they grow up? Parents wonder about ways in which they can help their child be prepared for the roles and responsibilities they will take on. Teaching your child to express themselves appropriately, building meaningful relationships can be tough. Here are some ways in which you can teach them these skills.

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Teaching Children to Handle Failure

Failure is something that none of us are comfortable with and if it were possible, we would very likely banish from this world! But that again depends on what our conditioning and beliefs are about failure. What did the significant adults in our lives teach us about success and failure or how did they handle failure? Herein lie vital clues about our own belief systems, the influence this has on our take on the matter and how we talk to our children about failure.

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Setting Goals for Yourself

Do you find yourself wanting to achieve things but never getting down to doing it, making resolutions that never seem to materialize? Whether you are thinking about losing weight, spending more time with your family or quitting smoking; if you want to succeed, you need to set goals.

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Grieving the Loss of a Job

In India our work often represents who and what we are. In addition to monetary returns a job provides a sense of purpose and self-esteem. Thus when a job ends, part of us seems to end with it. If you or someone you know has lost your job, it is important to remember . . . you have lost a description of what you do, not who and what you are.


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