Regular exercise is a good idea to cope with emotional and physical changes during pregnancy. Here are some points and precautions to keep in mind before you plan your exercise regime.
Read MoreBeing pregnant implies a whole lot of changes, not only physical but emotional as well. Here are some strategies to deal with these changes.
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Emotional intelligence can be described as the capacity to be self aware, be in control, and express one's emotions in a healthy and effective manner. It helps us handle important interpersonal relationships with empathy and better self awareness. Let us look at the various ways it can benefit us.
Read MoreWorking mothers face quite a few challenges both at home and the workplace. Ask any working mom what she finds most difficult and the top answer would be guilt. The time spent away from her children and the home is something that all working mothers deal with. While some may enjoy pursuing a career, others work out of necessity. In either case, the emotions that all mothers go through are the same. Here we take a look at how to work through these challenges and deal with the emotions.
Read MoreIf your child is above four years old and wets his bed, you are not alone. Don't blame, criticize, restrict or punish the child who has wet the bed. Here are some facts about bedwetting, which will broaden your perspective and help you to find ways to cope with it.
Read MoreContrary to popular belief, pregnancy is not always greeted with joy and excitement. If you are not prepared to be a parent you may feel confused and depressed on getting this news. And to add to it, you also feel guilty about your feelings. When you are assailed with so many doubts, you are bound to feel that something is wrong with you. Well, this may not necessarily be the case as some women do go through such mixed feelings.
Read MoreWomen across the world complain about their partners saying, "He never talks about his feelings" or worse, "He is so insensitive - he turns around and goes to sleep even if I am crying!" There are exceptions to every rule, it is generally said that women are more emotional and communicative while men are practical and solution focused. Let us read further and understand why.
Read MoreNews of the crashing stock-market, recession, layoffs, salary cuts, and the uncertain financial situation is certainly a cause of great stress to most people. In the current economic situation the fear of unemployment is also very real. Experts recommend a number of steps that could be helpful, and warn against others that are actually counter-productive. Here is a look at some of these.
Read MoreWe all have moments when our emotions get the better of us. Not surprising, considering the fact that we face stressors at the workplace that include budget cuts, layoffs, deadlines, irate customers or an unreasonable boss maybe. Of course when things are going well, work is a breeze but it is when things get rough that negative emotions come into play.
Read MoreHave you felt like you husband doesn't understand or is insensitive to your emotions? Or have you felt like you wife is to emotional and irrational? Although there are exceptions to every rule, it is generally said that women are more emotional and communicative while men are practical and solution focused. Let's understand how these emotions work.9
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