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What's My Baby Doing At 12 Months?

Your little bundle of joy is now somewhere between eight and twelve months old. Time is flying! Learn which developmental milestones your baby is working on from month eight to month twelve.

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What's My Baby Doing At Seven Months?

From four to seven months of age, your baby will develop all sorts of new skills and abilities, some social, some emotional and some physical. Find out which developmental milestones your baby is working on from month four to month seven.

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What's My Baby Doing At Three Months?

Your baby grows in leaps and bounds during the first year of life. Find out which developmental milestones your baby is working on from birth till three months.

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Autism: Early Signs

Autism is a developmental disability which affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others successfully. The signs of autism can be detected even as early as nine months of age. Stay informed about the early signs of autism.

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Autism: Know the Signs

Autism is a developmental disability which causes people to have difficulty communicating and interacting with others. Autism can be detected very early on in life, even at nine months of age. Stay informed about the early signs of autism.

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Myths and Facts About Stress

Ever wondered what stress is and what stress is not? Take a look to understand the facts and myths about stress.

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Getting Your Child to Talk

Children are not born natural talkers; they need to learn to become one. You can help your child become a confident speaker by making learning a fun activity. Here are some ways to do so.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 17 records