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Kinkeeping: The Invisible Burden

Today, many women in India are stepping out to work, driven by ambition or financial necessity. However, despite this change, household duties remain largely unchanged. Women are still seen as the primary caregivers, expected to manage the home and family even if they hold full-time jobs.  

This burden, often invisible and unacknowledged, is known as "kinkeeping." Carolyn Rosenthal, a professor emeritus of sociology at McMaster University in Canada, coined this term in 1985. It describes the unpaid labour that women do to maintain family connections and traditions. This includes remembering birthdays, planning gifts, organizing family events, keeping track of rituals and customs, and managing household supplies, etc. In Indian culture, these responsibilities are often considered a woman's duty, regardless of her marital status or whether she has children. 

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Acne problems? Say no these foods

Most of us are familiar with acne, as we deal with it, at least once in a lifetime. Be it on face, back or chest, some of them causes irritation and pain, while few of them don’t. It occurs when the hair follicles get clogged with excess sebum and dead skin cells.  

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How to go From 'Perfect' to 'Good Enough' Parenting

Every parent wants to give their child the best of everything ? right from being present as often as we can, to ensuring that they have access to everything that they need, and also to making sure they feel happy, safe and secure. However, at time we may create unrealistic expectations for ourselves that do more harm than good.

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Why is Unstructured Playtime Important?

While it is important to involve your child in structured activities, it is equally important to balance it with free play (unstructured time), where children can explore their creativity, use their imagination and explore the world around them.

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Shaping Your Baby's Social-Emotional Development

We typically think of growing our baby's intelligence, movement skills and language. These areas of development are necessary and it's good that we stimulate this growth. However, more attention can be paid to social-emotional development. Here's why.

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Rewriting Your Life-Story

Discover ways of telling your life's story differently from now

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5 Ways to Ensure That Your Child is not Overscheduled

As a parent today, it is easy for one to get overwhelmed with the vast, often conflicting ideas of what the right way to parent a child is. While one may want to give their children the best in all areas, there is always a risk of packing too many things in your child's schedule. Read this article to find out why it's important to leave some parts of your child's day unstructured

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What's My Toddler Doing at 2 Years?

Your baby is now officially a toddler! In his second year of life, your child's brain development will be phenomenal. He will be on the move all the time. He will want to do things himself, but he will also be fiercely attached to you. Read on to see which developmental milestones your toddler is working on during his second year.

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What Do I Need To Know About Developmental Milestones?

No need to stress out about what your baby should be achieving at any given age. Go through our series on developmental milestones and learn the key ideas.

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What's My Baby Doing At 12 Months?

Your little bundle of joy is now somewhere between eight and twelve months old. Time is flying! Learn which developmental milestones your baby is working on from month eight to month twelve.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 16 records