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Energise Your Marriage

Our relationships with our spouses have an impact on all areas of our life. How committed and compatible we are and the degree of satisfaction we experience directly affects our productivity. Research indicates that those who are happy at home are less stressed at their workplace. Find ways to improve on your relationship.

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Long Distance Relationships

In this day and age when we move away from our home town in search of better prospects, it is not unnatural to find ourselves in the middle of what we call a Long Distance Relationship. These relationships can be difficult and this article helps you with ways to handle the difficulties.

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How Do I Tell My Parents?

After a long courtship you have made the decision. You know that he/she is the one, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. But how do you tell your parents this? Telling your parents that you have decided the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is probably the biggest hurdle that is standing between you and your ?happily ever after'.

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Communication Disorders in Adults

Communication is an ultimate medium of human interaction. One might experience certain communication difficulties or may have a Communication Disorder. There is help available and most of these disorders can be successfully treated. Read to know more.

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Speech Language Problems

Speaking is the most complicated skill that we learn, for which we receive no training! This article shows the probable concerns that one might be dealing with with respect to speech and communication...

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7 Ways to Build Meaningful Relationships

Relationships take time and effort and an investment of one's emotions to cultivate. However, real relationships add meaning to one's life. Find out how one can build and strengthen their relationships.


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Women's Relationship in the Workplace

Girls get better grades at school than boys, and in most developed countries more women than men go to university. However, women still get paid less and few make it to the top of companies, and those that do get to the top level, have to face a lot more opposition than most men. Thankfully, there are things women can do to overcome these stereotypes and prejudices and achieve success


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Self-Confidence at Work

Self-confidence is vitally important to our success at work. It directly affects not only our level of performance but also reflects in our interactions with colleagues, clients, as well as bosses. This can have a huge effect on our relationships at work and our growth and success in our careers. Here is what you can do to improve your self-confidence at work.

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Total 3 Pages, Total 28 records