SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Nutrition


Zinc has a big role to play in our body. It is a very important mineral and helps in wound healing, perceptions of taste and smell and helps in the synthesis of protein and DNA. Adult males require 11mgs of zinc per day and adult females need 8 mgs of zinc per day. 

Why is Zinc needed for your body? 

As zinc is found in every cell of the body, it plays a role in cell division, cell growth, wound healing and in breakdown of carbohydrates. It is involved in body’s immune system and is needed for it to work properly. It is also directly involved in maintaining the ideal hormonal levels in the body and necessary for enhancement of the action of insulin.  It is essential for sexual reproduction and development. 

What happens if you are deficient in Zinc?

•    The typical symptoms can be loss of sensitivity towards taste and smell, loss of appetite, pale and rough skin, stunted growth, white marks on fingernails, low fertility, stretch marks, acne, rashes and poor wound healing. 

•    Low zinc levels in pregnant women can cause poor attention and motor disorders in infants. The deficiency in children can cause brain disorders like mild to severe retardation, dyslexia (learning difficulty) and other problems with mental development. 

•    Depression and mental lethargy are also associated with zinc deficiency. 

•    Lack of zinc can lead to weak immunity and can cause very frequent infections. As the immune system is impaired, your body is more susceptible to bacterial infections which can cause diarrhoea. 

•    Low zinc levels can trigger allergic reactions in your body like running nose, sneezing, hives.

•    Severe deficiency of zinc can lead to thinning or loss of hair.

•    As zinc plays a crucial role in immune function and healthy growth, the lack of zinc can cause impaired immunity. 

Which foods can supply you good amounts of zinc -

•    Beef- It has very good amounts of zinc along with which it gives you protein and vitamin B12 that helps the body’s nerve and blood cells grow healthy. Too much intake of red meats is linked with increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health issues; and thus, restrict the intake to once in 10 days in roasted or grilled forms.

•    Shrimps – These are a good source of zinc and protein along with antioxidants. These can be cooked in less oil to be on a healthier side. It can also be eaten as a salad or can be added into curries or a side dish or into rice in very little amounts to add flavours.

•    Oysters- The amount of zinc present in oysters varies from oyster to oyster. The amount of zinc per 100g present in any oyster exceeds the amount of zinc required per day for the body and thus it is an excellent source. The required amount of zinc will be absorbed and excess zinc will be expelled from the body.   

•    Lobster and crab are also a very good source of zinc and you will get a boost of it when you eat. They are healthier when cooked with little oil/ butter/ ghee.

•    Lamb- It is an excellent source of zinc and has a considerable amount of high fat content. Make sure you consume leaner cuts of mutton, occasionally, so that you can limit the intake of fat.

•    Egg yolks – These are a very good source of zinc. Eggs (whole eggs as yolk is needed) can be had in various forms and opt for the eggs which are cooked with less oil to be on a healthier side. Make sure you don’t eat more than one whole egg per day if you have cholesterol issues.

•    Kidney beans, chickpeas - These are a good source of zinc which also help in maintaining the healthy blood glucose levels and help you feel full for a longer duration of time. They can be added to any rice item or can be had as a side dish or a curry. They give a boost of fibre and protein.

•    Flax seeds – It is known for omega 3 fatty acids and fibre, but also has a good amount of zinc. These can be added and sprinkled to any food item like curries or side dishes, smoothies, rice; you can mix it with chapatti flour and prepare chapattis; and can be added to buttermilk.

•    Pumpkin seeds- They are excellent sources of zinc. They also help in getting better sleep and good dose of omega 3 and helps you keep your blood sugars under control. You can eat it as a snack, a small fistful, or can use them to garnish your soups and salads as well.

•    Watermelon seeds- It can be an excellent source of zinc along with protein, magnesium, healthy fats, and B vitamins. It is a great snacking option; you can have it toasted or roasted. 

•    Dark chocolate – It is a good source of antioxidants and an excellent source of zinc, but do not eat too much, as it is also high in calories. 

•    Sesame seeds – These are an excellent source and are packed with zinc which can be sprinkled on any dish to add nutrition.

•    Nuts like cashews, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts are a very good source but make sure you have it occasionally and can be added into your curries or side dishes to improve flavour or you can also have it as a snack when you salt and roast it. A small fistful of it at a time should give you good amount of zinc. 

•    Mushrooms – All the mushrooms are quite good in their zinc content and can be added into your curries or make a starter from it with less oil.

It is seen that, zinc is easier to obtain from foods! As mentioned earlier in this article, zinc deficiency on a longer run can lead to serious health issues. You can always make sure that you are not zinc deficient by having a regular health check done and consulting your doctor can help as well.

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