SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


A lot of people want to quit smoking but often don't know how and where to start. Getting rid of your habit of smoking may certainly seem difficult. You find yourself repeatedly making attempts to quit and yet give in to the temptations. This may make you feel frustrated and also doubt your abilities. Irrespective of the reasons for starting, quitting is indeed not easy.

Take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail in their attempts to quit smoking. The reason why smoking is such a difficult habit to kick, is the dependence that nicotine (contained in tobacco) creates. Not getting the daily dose of nicotine can create unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, making one feel compelled to light up to put an end to the unpleasantness. Even knowing about the impact smoking can have on one?s health does not stop them from doing so.

But don't lose heart! According to a recent study conducted, a combination of the traditional methods of quitting combined with non-conventional approaches has very positive results.

The plan to quit smoking is multi-faceted, the goals being: control craving, stop the addiction and provide a constant source of motivation. The rationale behind this is to build your resources and keep the motivation going - make yourself physically and emotionally stronger and then quit.

Exercise: This would not only help shed those extra kilos but also establish discipline and instil self-confidence.
This should continue for 30 days at least.

Accountability: Make it a point to call or report to a friend (or family member) to say you have finished your quota of exercise for the day.

Motivation: Then you need to be sure of the motivation behind the desire to quit smoking. List out all the positive outcomes of quitting, and place it where you are likely to see it everyday.

Medication: Consult a doctor in a multi-speciality hospital who can start you off on some medication to help cope with the withdrawal symptoms. This will help control cravings.

Quit: Finally on the "Quit Date", toss aside your cigarettes ? along with your ashtrays and lighters! First few days will be difficult but once you cross 10 days, it will only get easier thereafter.
Continue walking, and calling your friend.

Coping: Find healthier ways of dealing with stressors and tension both in your professional as well as personal life. Talk to a professional if you are having difficulties or have issues to deal with, find other ways of relaxing and relieving tension and so on.

 Alternatives: Look for alternatives to deal with cravings ? like grab a coffee or tea when you feel like smoking, even if others are smoking sip on your coffee or tea, slap on a nicotine patch, chew on nicotine gum, drink some fresh juice or snack on fruits during your breaks?

Counselling can help, at all stages of the "quit plan", in making it suitable for one based on individual factors, as well as in effective implementation. Counselling can also offer a source of much needed support to keep the motivation up and deal with occasional setbacks.
Remember it is in your hands to take control of the habit before it controls you!


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Suchismita_ on 07 Nov 2022, 12:35 PM

This will be helpful to keep a child engaged.