SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Lifestyle



We all have the same 24 hours of the day. Yet people say they have no time! We all use our time differently. Yet we need to use our time efficiently, that's when it counts. When people give the excuse of ‘no time' for exercise, psychologists say that there is more meaning to this excuse. The approach to exercise comes with psychological barriers. It could be due to lack of motivation, negative associations with exercise, fear of exercise related injuries, low self esteem, self consciousness based on what others may think or say about them.

But on the other hand, we do find time for other activities like watching TV, daily chores and anything else that may come up. However, if we do invest some time for exercise, we can reap the benefits of good health. Time wasted now, will also be wasted later when you have to wait in line at the doctor's clinic and get treated for blood pressure, diabetes and diseases caused due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Let's take a look at why we do have time for exercise.

Ever heard the phrase- ‘Early to bed, early to rise'?

You can choose to be an early bird and get your day moving with an energetic workout or even a simple walk. Although there is no ‘right' time for exercise, exercising first thing in the morning has its perks. It keeps you energetic through the day and during the day you have a good feeling knowing you have exercised!

Did you know that your workout actually increases your productivity?

Yes, that's right! People wrongly assume that exercising will make them feel tired and is time consuming. If you have not been exercising for a while then you will feel the initial fatigue. But when you are consistent, you will be surprised at how good and energetic you feel to complete the day's tasks.

Do you feel that exercising takes too long?

Rather than not exercising at all try and exercise in intervals through the day. While this may not be helpful for weight loss, it's a good start if you are trying to get more movement into your daily routine to improve fitness. Here, consistency wins over duration. There is no ‘right' time! Pedal a stationary cycle,do lunges, yoga, push ups or stretches on the spot while watching TV for starters.

All this sounds good, but I cannot go to the gym

Well, the good news is that you don't have to. If you are hard pressed for time and/ or money, working out at home is equally effective. Think of how humans kept active before all the fancy gym equipment was designed. A good jog, walk or even playing with your children in the park should help get some exercise into your routine.

Make time for yourself

This helps you get the right things done. You don't have to be a perfectionist. It's ok to have some things around the house pending. What's not ok is to cheat yourself by not exercising and staying healthy. Learn to delegate responsibilities to others around the house; your older children too can help with chores. This will leave you with some time for exercise.

Talk positive and think positive

Our words and thoughts need to be positive. Don't go around thinking and saying you don't have time for exercise. Instead say,"I do have time for myself." Or, "I will make time for exercise, because I know it is good for my health." Having positive thoughts will help you reach your health goals and be focused.

Socialise differently

Get off Facebook and Email for a while. Next time your friends want to meet for lunch or dinner to spend time with you, suggest an activity that you both can do together like walking, cycling or playing a sport.

There may be some days where your body just does not want to cooperate with you. As with any good thing, you have to push yourself if you want to see results.

You are stronger and more capable than you think. Don't undermine your self will and your energy levels.


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