SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Fitness and Weight Management


We often hear  complaints about how seemingly ‘difficult’ or ‘hard’ it is to lose weight. Sometimes the numbers on the scale don’t budge despite eating a relatively ‘healthy’ diet and exercising regularly. 
 In search of weight loss, we tend to always look for fad diets or quick ways, but,   if we think about it, these things are more difficult to follow and sustain long-term than a healthy balanced meal pattern. ‘Diets and exercise or workouts are either over-hyped to make them seem more exotic than they actually are. 

FACT: To lose weight, diet simply means healthy eating, and exercise means being more physically active. 
It is extremely important as part of a healthy lifestyle, to follow a healthy diet and exercise together to lose weight in a healthy and more sustainable way. Very often healthy eaters also say that, they clean their house by themselves and walk to the market etc., stating that those are the ways they stay active. But it’s a must to notice that, while these activities mean you are physically active however, exercise means a repetitive and organized activity you do regularly to burn calories.

Here’s how you can use exercise to lose weight:
Choose an exercise initially that you are comfortable to do at least 150 mins of moderate activity per week.

Ensure that, you exercise regularly.
Spread exercises  though the week and make sure that you are also “physically active” during the day along with exercise to lose weight. An hour-long exercise session in the morning or evening, won't keep the pounds off, if you end up sitting for 8-9 hours during the day!
To lose weight, you need to include moderate and vigorous forms of activity. Here’s how we can categorise these:
Moderate activity is when your heart rate and breathing is accelerated but you can still carry out a conversation. These include - 

  • Brisk walking
  • Cycling at a casual pace
  • Dancing
  • Stretching
  • Vigorous activity is when your heart rate and breathing are substantially high and its fast to hold a conversation. These include - 
  • Swimming
  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Sports like badminton
  • Jumping rope

Along with exercise, as discussed it is important to follow a healthy diet. That should include a calorie deficit so that you inch closer to  your ideal body weight according to your height. However, it is important to make sure to not compromise  on nutrition while including a calorie deficit.

Keep these points in mind regarding a healthy diet - 

  • Avoid skipping breakfast – it is the most important meal of the day. Having  a right balance in this meal is  crucial to get your day started right so you maintain an active  metabolism.
  • Regular eating – eating regular meals and healthy snacks helps to burn calories at a faster rate. This also prevents overeating.
  • Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables – these are relatively low in calories and high in fibre that keeps you full for a longer time, which can help you maintain a calorie deficit effortlessly.
  • Hydrate well – water takes part in many metabolic activities in the body. And it is a common fact that, people often confuse thirst with hunger and eat more. So, the next time you crave something unhealthy, sip on a glass of warm water instead. It may be that you are just thirsty.
  • Include fibre-dense foods – these helps in keeping you full for a longer time and helps lower overall  calorie intake.
  • Read labels of food – it is important to know what you eat. Reading labels can help you identify the amounts of hidden sugar/ fat/ salt present in an item. This also helps you understand the amounts of calories you consume.
  • Small portion sizes – you can easily follow this by using a smaller plate. Also, eat slowly and chew thoroughly. This way you will know when you are full.
  • Avoid eliminating foods. The more you ban your favourite chocolate cake, the more you crave for it. Maintain portion control and know when to stop. You can also include a 3-bite rule. To explain the rule in simpler words, limit yourself to 3 bites of your favourite food. The first bite is as good and flavourful as it will ever be, the second bite might not be as good as the first and now the third bite cannot get any better than the first bite and you might as well stop eating.  
  • Try to avoid buying and keeping unhealthy food at home, that way you will be able to understand if you really feel hungry or you are craving for some high calorie/ junk foods. 
  • Quit alcohol, it provides empty calories and takes a very long time to get eliminated from the body.
  • Plan your meals ahead this makes all the difference  while trying to eat healthy.

Everyone wants an easy solution to weight loss. The easiest of all is to make lifestyle corrections in terms of diet and activity levels. The process to healthy weight loss requires dedication  and would require a conscious effort. But with patience and consistency, you can easily shed the excess weight and can keep it at bay. It is best to consult your dietitian before following any diet to prevent adverse effects/ nutrient deficiencies.

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