SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Fitness and Weight Management


Binge eaters will eat huge quantities of food, even when they are not hungry. They have no control over eating. They often feel guilty after an episode of binge eating. Binge eaters eat very quickly and they continue to eat even when they are full till they feel uncomfortable. 

People who binge are usually overweight or even obese because they take in so many more calories than what is needed. Binge eating usually happens during times of stress, boredom, distress or anger. 


Signs of a Binge Eating Problem -

Someone with a binge eating problem might:

• Binge eat more than twice a week for 6 months or more

• Eat much more rapidly than normal

• Eat until uncomfortably full

• Eat large amounts of food even when not hungry

• Eat alone because of embarrassment

• Feel disgusted, depressed, embarrassed, ashamed, angry, or guilty after a binge eating episode

• Gain weight excessively

• Eat normally when being with others, but binge when alone

• Hide food to eat later in secret


Why do people binge eat? 

• Depression: Depression can be one of the reasons people binge eat. People get happiness by binging on food when they are depressed or upset. It is not known if depression causes binge eating or if binge eating causes depression.

• Emotions: Many people have a difficulty in expressing their emotions. So when they are happy, sad, angry, bored, stressed they tend to binge.  

• Wrong dieting: Skipping meals, starving themselves, not having enough food can make people binge eat. They would be so hungry that once they start eating they do not have control on whatever they eat. This leads to binge eating. 


Many of us would like to be more physically fit and healthy. Yet making and implementing changes in behaviour is never easy. A wellness coach can help you to set goals and work towards them, while providing the motivation and encouragement you need. If you would like to know more please do contact our coaches.


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