SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Nutrition


Do vitamin and mineral supplements really make you healthier? Do you feel confused at the variety of supplements that are available? Let's take a look at what supplements are all about so that you will be able to make wise and informed choices.

 What are dietary supplements?
As the name suggests, they supplement the diet and are clearly labelled as supplements. They can come in a pill, capsule, liquid or tablet form and may contain two or more dietary ingredients which could be any of the following- vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act -DSHEA).

 Remember!
It is important to remember that these are used only to supplement the diet and not to replace a balanced diet. A well balanced diet supplies a variety of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein and fat) along with fibre and bioactive compounds which are lacking in these supplements. When these are taken on an empty stomach, the fat-soluble vitamins will not get absorbed. These should be taken along with some source of healthy fat. Those who suffer from heart disease and elevated triglycerides should have 1g of Omega 3 fatty acids which is a combination of EPA+DHA. Fatty fish is a good source of healthy fats, as are nuts and avocado.

 When are supplements helpful?
Most often supplements are given when a person has definite needs, for example -
• Women planning for pregnancy/ who are pregnant are advised to take iron and folic acid to prevent the child from getting spinabifda. During pregnancy calcium is also recommended to ensure healthy bone development of the foetus and also keeping in mind that much of the maternal calcium stores get depleted at this time.
• Children who may have erratic eating habits; and seniors who may be deficient in Vitamin D.
• Those suffering from absorption disorders and deficiency diseases
• People whose diet eliminates whole food groups due to reasons like crash dieting
• Those who are vegetarian
• Those who suffer from lactose intolerance

Before taking supplements, consult with your doctor (especially if you are taking medication) to prevent any harmful interactions. Supplements when taken beyond the prescribed dose can result in toxicity, eg- green tea capsules are taken for fat burning, but in excess these can damage the liver. Antioxidants like Vitamin A, C and E are believed to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, but their effectiveness in this regard has not been documented.

If for some reason you require supplements with your diet, note the following:
Safety- Make sure that the supplement you are taking is safe and is effective. The National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements can provide you with information.
Dosage - What is the required dosage for children and adults? Stick to this and do not consume excess.
Quality- Does the supplement meet quality standards? Look for the NSF International Mark of safety.


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Namrathak on 05 Mar 2021, 17:31 PM

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