SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health



Swine influenza (swine flu)  is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Human infections with this virus have occurred in people exposed to infected pigs and recently there have been pandemics of swine flu with person-to-person spread of a variation of this virus. One of the types of swine flu is H1N1 , now much in focus.

How does it spread ?

Most outbreaks occur during  winter months. H1N1 spreads when an infected person sneezes and the droplets of the sneeze are inhaled by a healthy person. A person may also may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. 

What are the symptoms of H1N1?

The symptoms of H1N1  include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Runny nose, sore throat, eye irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are also common.

Vaccines for swine flu

Vaccines that protect against three different strains of swine flu (called trivalent vaccine) are available in India.  But however, they may not be required for everyone , and their efficacy lasts only for a year.  A qualified doctor’s advice and prescription is a must before going in for vaccination.

Prevention is better than cure !

Prevention is always better than cure and here are some ways as described by national health agencies in U. S and WHO(World Health Organisation) to control spread of this virus 

Avoid contact !  Staying away from crowds in areas with known incidences of swine flu is the best way to avoid getting exposed to the virus.

Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Use soap and water, or if they're unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Flu viruses can survive for two hours or longer on surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops. While washing, wash both hands thoroughly for as long as you take to sing “happy birthday” song.  Be mindful of what surfaces you are touching in public and wash or sanitize everytime you touch any surface. Avoid touching anything within about 6 feet of an uncovered cough/sneeze, because the droplets that contain virus fall and land on anything usually within that range.

Eat a balanced, nutritious diet – Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables of all colours, increase intake of milk and milk products , and eat whole grains and pulses like whole wheat, bajra, jowar, ragi, rajma , chana,moong instead  of white rice and white bread.  Junk food such as fries, sweets, pizza and cheese based foods are known to damage cells in the body and can lower immunity.

Keep yourself rehydrated – Water, coconut water, home made soups and broths, kanjees, and buttermilk or lassi are some of the ways you can keep yourself rehydrated.  Aim to drink 3 litres of fluids everyday and increase that to 4 to 5 litres if you have fever or have been diagnosed as having swine flu.

Exercise – Exercise regularly.  Build up your stamina and heart health with cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking, running, jogging, stair climbing , swimming – all of which increase the fitness of lung and heart muscles .  Weight training improves your strength and stamina.

High risk  - People younger than  5 or older than 60, pregnant and lactating mothers, or people suffering from other chronic ailments such as asthma, respiratory illnesses, diabetes , or cancer are more vulnerable to the virus since their immune levels are compromised.  If you suffer from any such ailments, take appropriate measures to avoid contact with infected people, wash your hands thoroughly, eat a nutritious balanced diet and keep yourself rehydrated.

Reduce exposure within your household. -If you have to take care of an infected family member, cover his or her mouth with a mask , stay as far away as possible , use gloves when touching the person and remember to wash your hands thoroughly everytime you handle anything related to the infected person.

Be stress free-  Stress releases hormones into our bodies that can compromise our immune systems and actually make us more susceptible to viruses like swine flu.  Try yoga, meditation , or deep breathing exercises to calm yourself down and remember, stress does not help ! 

Do not delay getting medical advice - If your symptoms are severe, and if you live in an area that is already known to have multiple swine flu cases, consult a doctor as soon as possible.  Do not ignore symptoms that do not settle down with regular flu medication or a fever that does not go away after 2 days

Mask : Studies show that individuals who wear surgical or N95 particle masks may prevent inhalation of some H1N1 virus, but the masks may prevent only about 50% of airborne exposures and offer no protection against surface droplets. However, masks on H1N1 infected people can markedly reduce the spread of infected droplets.


Latest Comments

hvirani on 16 Aug 2022, 13:22 PM


jaykrishna on 01 Dec 2020, 17:11 PM

It would great if have short video or showing poses. Many thanks in advance!!

AsterixObelix on 01 Dec 2020, 16:55 PM

These are more of stretches. Which one does before main exercise. Someone with zero movement can start stretching with these. But losing weight with these, surely is going to be really tough. Also, please need some photos

ibatman on 17 Oct 2018, 23:56 PM

just text doesnt help. should be accompanies with pictures

vanaj on 01 Dec 2017, 09:38 AM

pictures or videos with exact posture movement visibility will help to do perfectly

BedaprakashS on 01 Nov 2017, 17:21 PM

Videos will definitely help to figure out exercises easily and effectively.

gaurav1288 on 09 Oct 2017, 11:06 AM

Please put pictures and videos. It will surely help. I am stilling figuring out how to do Magic Carpet.

schilamakurthi on 24 Jul 2016, 00:01 AM

Video' will help a lot

jui7 on 13 May 2016, 19:17 PM

Adding exercise poses will surely help

poonambhatia01 on 22 Apr 2016, 08:15 AM

quite effective