SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Nutrition


Phosphorous is the most abundant mineral in the body after calcium, and comprises of 1% of the total body weight. It is important for building strong bones and teeth. It is present in all the cells and tissues in the body. The recommended intake is 700 mg/ day for adults.  

What are the functions?

The main functions in the body are:

•    Phosphorous is needed to make protein for all the cells and tissues, for their growth, maintenance and repair.
•    It helps in production of DNA and RNA, which are the genetic building blocks in the body.
•    It plays an important role in the usage of carbohydrates and fats in the body.  
•    It works with other vitamins and minerals and helps in kidney function, muscle contraction, normal heart beat, and nerve signalling. 
•    Phosphorous in the body combines with lipids and form phospholipids which are the structural components of all cell membranes. It is important for brain health and helps in brain cells communication.
•    It is required for energy production and storage in the body.
•    It helps in obtaining oxygen to tissues and maintain normal acid-base (pH) balance.

What happens when you are deficient in phosphorous?

Low levels of phosphorus can lead to:

•    Osteoporosis: A healthy bone has a balance of calcium and phosphorous. As the phosphorous decreases in the body, the bone loses its mass and becomes weak and brittle. The loss will lead to pores in the bones and the disease is called as osteoporosis.
•    Osteomalacia: This disease occurs when the body is deprived of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D. The bones become soft, weak and can be more prone to malformation and deformation. Thus, it can lead to permanent joint damage, muscle pain, muscle weakness and altered mobility. 
•    Phosphorous deficiency and fatigue: Phosphorous is needed for energy production in the body. When phosphorous is low in the body, it won’t be able to produce enough energy as much as the body needs. This leads to widespread muscle weakness, fatigue during day-to-day activities, low exercise tolerance and increased risk of injury.
•    Decreased red blood cell function: Phosphorous also helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all the body cells. In phosphorous deficiency, the ability of RBCs to carry oxygen is compromised, leading to weakness and fatigue. 
•    Increased susceptibility to infection.
•    Respiratory difficulties
•    Neurological impairments

The food sources which are rich in phosphorus are mentioned according to the amounts present in them in the decreasing order:

•    Sunflower seeds – These are an excellent source of phosphorous and can be incorporated in your diet as a snack. A small handful of roasted sunflower seeds in the evening can be a healthy snacking option.
•    Milk and yogurt – They provide enough amounts of phosphorous per day. Milk can be used as a drink by itself or flavoured yogurt can be taken as such to obtain the amounts of phosphorus needed.
•    White beans and mung beans – They are a good protein source for vegetarians. This can be prepared as a side dish for chapatis or can be put in any flavoured rice/ pulav to improve its nutritional value. Mung beans can be sprouted and can be eaten raw or steamed.
•    Tuna – Being a sea food, it is also rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids along with phosphorus which can be a healthy choice for your diet. It can be used as a main course by itself or can be added into curries, salads and sandwiches.
•    Chicken and turkey breast – These serve good amount of phosphorus and are not high in fats as compared with the red meats. 
•    Beef – It provides good amount of phosphorous and need to be consumed in limited quantities as it has high amount of fat too. 
•    Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews contain good amount of phosphorus and can be incorporated as snacks during evening. Remember to not have more than a fistful of it.
•    Potatoes, broccoli, corn – These are the vegetables which are rich in phosphorous. These can bring other nutrients like antioxidants and minerals which can be beneficial for health.
•    Eggs provide good amount of phosphorous and can be used in many dishes to improve its texture and taste. They can be had in various forms and opt for the dishes with eggs which are cooked with less oil. Do not eat more than one egg per day if you have high cholesterol. 

Phosphorous serum levels need to be balanced in the body in right proportions along with calcium. If the serum levels go high, it can lead to other disorders in the body which can be harmful. Make sure you do not eat processed foods frequently and keep your diet healthy and balanced. 

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