SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Nutrition


Board Exams! Just these two words can paint the entire picture! Not just boards, but any exam creates more or less the same kind of atmosphere around. Lots of tension, lots of planning, lots of revisions, late night studying... and so on. At such times, kids can demand for comfort foods like pizzas, chips, chocolates and a whole bunch of junk foods! Instead of giving in to their demands, parents should make sure that the kids eat healthy, nutritious foods. Here are some tips to keep your child's eating right!

- Including whole grains in their diet will help them get good amount of fiber
- Include good amount of proteins like eggs and sprouts which are good sources of choline (a nutrient known to improve brain health)
- Include a handful of nuts and dry fruits in their day's plan
- Watch their fluid intake. Keeping them well hydrated is very important. Healthy choices for staying hydrated can be water, skimmed milk, buttermilk, fruit juices without sugar, lemon water or homemade sherbets.
- Avoid heavy meals, let them have smaller meals after regular intervals
- Avoid high fat foods as these can make them sleepy
- Avoid eating out, especially raw foods to keep infections at bay
- Skipping meals should be a strict No-No! It just increases the acidity and drains the kids of energy
- Avoid very spicy foods and use chillies sparingly to avoid any gastric trouble
- Include omega 3 sources like fish or flaxseeds for better brain functioning
- Let them have lots of fruits so that vitamin C intake is taken care of and they are also a good way of snacking
- If your child prefers studying at night, make sure he/she has healthier snacking options readily available, so that bingeing on junk can be avoided

Always remember, healthier and smarter food choices will give your child's performance a boost in the exams!

Take good care of your child's nutrition and he will take better care of the studies!

Talk to our Wellness Coach for a customized diet plan for your child...

Latest Comments

shalendraagarwal on 14 Jul 2016, 07:00 AM

Great inputs. Can we know about Hyperthyroidism also

saijit on 29 Jan 2016, 11:49 AM

Very useful article.... Thanks

IndumathR on 28 Jan 2016, 15:37 PM

These facts are very useful to all members

drithi on 22 Dec 2015, 14:21 PM

Thanks for all the useful information provided in this article. I have a doubt regarding the medicines taken for hypothyroidism. Doctors advise to take the medicine everyday for the whole life. Is it true? I am worried if it is going to cause any side-effects in the long run...

tar1 on 02 Jul 2015, 16:04 PM

simple and easy to understand article