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Don't we all go to the gym in search of fitness? Well, your mind needs to develop its muscles as well and meditation is one of the most effective tools to develop your emotional muscles. Research suggests that meditation helps to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure, pain response and addictions. It is also known to improve cognitive function by making structural changes in the brain. At Harvard Medical School, researchers discovered that long term practice of meditation increased the activity of our disease fighting genes in the body, thus changing our bodies at a genetic level.

Yes, that is exactly what it is.We all know the negative effects of stress on our body and mind - higher levels of stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol, increase in heart rate and blood pressure, lower fertility and weakened immune system. Contrarily, a state of relaxation induced by practices like yoga and meditation is linked to increase in the levels of feel-good hormones like serotonin and growth hormones that repair cells and tissues in our body. Relaxation makes our parasympathetic nervous system switch on, that in turn helps to lower the heart rate and blood pressure, improve digestive function and boost our immunity levels.

A lot of us may feel that meditation is not easy and it takes years to reap the benefits. Meditation is very doable and all it takes to start the process is just 10 to 20 minutes of your time every day.


Here are some guidelines to start you off on a simple meditative process that will keep you calm and serene in the face of any challenge in your life - 

Sit comfortably on a chair or if you are comfortable on the floor, then sit cross-legged on a mat. It is important for you to be physically comfortable because you will otherwise be distracted by bodily sensations. You can light a candle or an incense stick if you like. This is just a cue to the brain that you are preparing to slow down and relax. It is better to allot a specific time and place for your practice.

• Close your eyes and keep your body and neck erect. Scan your entire body from head to toe and notice if any part of your body is tense. If you find a tense muscle group, just breathe into that part and release the tension.

• Tune into your breath and follow its course from the tip of your nostrils to the depths of your abdomen and then follow the exhalation back to the tips of your nostrils. As you inhale visualize peace enveloping you and as you exhale imagine breathing out all your tensions. Paying attention to your breath is a wonderful way to anchor yourself to the present.

• You will have thoughts that distract you. You might suddenly remember that you have to pick your clothes from the tailor or drop your child to tuition class or maybe that unfinished presentation lying on your office desk! The nature of the mind is to throw up thoughts. Every time your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath.

• Thought is always followed by an emotion. Try to just witness it without judgment. Just stay in the moment whether it is a pleasant thought or an unpleasant one. If the emotions continue to persist, then focus on the part of the body where they are lodged. For example, we sometimes feel fear in the pit of our stomach or the tightening of the throat. Just acknowledge the emotions, breathe into that part of the body that is feeling distressed and gently let go of the emotions. Notice what you are experiencing but don't get drawn to it. Let it drift away and return to your breath.

• Start with 10 minutes every day and slowly work your way to 20 or 30 minutes daily. Try not to use music to drown your thoughts. Silence is the best way to deal with your mind's machinations! Choose a time when you are not too sleepy because you might just doze off!

The purpose of meditation is not just to handle stress but to ultimately find the peace within and carry it through your day. Our lives are dominated by externals most of the time and meditation is a tool that directs the attention to our inner world. It can make a profound and meaningful change in our lives and the silent mind is a great ally for us to navigate through the twists and turns of life.


Latest Comments

thilakabi on 09 Jan 2020, 15:13 PM

need to reduce hip size any advice

LathaN on 26 Sep 2016, 05:35 AM

Walking , Regular Exercises, will helps to reduce the weight . Avoid Sugar, and Oil items will helps to control the weight.

jbhoir on 16 Jun 2016, 07:17 AM

that right......i wnat to loose inches...:( any article...

MathiG on 28 Jan 2016, 09:47 AM


LathaN on 26 Dec 2015, 12:39 PM

Valuable info. I want to reduce the weight.

LathaN on 26 Dec 2015, 12:39 PM

Valuable info. I want to reduce the weight.

474488 on 12 Aug 2015, 14:57 PM

Friends I have lost 8 kgs in 2 months feeling aaaawsm...

romy on 06 Aug 2015, 13:39 PM

I will start to make myself active first and then gradually I will regulate my diet habits as well. Thanks for the valuable information.

Joseph John on 28 Jun 2015, 08:58 AM

Good Information. But i needs advice how to reduce tummy fat

Somu4m on 17 Sep 2014, 18:49 PM

I will try it. Thank you