SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


Bowel movements that are softer than normal are usually considered as loose stools. These can be a cause of concern if they happen immediately after meals or all through the day. 

However, these cannot be considered as diarrhoea. The distinguishing point between diarrhoea and loose stools is that, loose stools are soft bowel movements which can occur occasionally/ in regular intervals/ every day. However, diarrhoea is considered when you have loose/ watery stools frequently more than 3 times a day. 

Loose stools are again categorised into chronic loose stools and loose stools after eating. It is important to differentiate both and understand the causes for better management. 

Causes of loose stools: 

Chronic loose stools are often associated with any other medical conditions you may have like: 

  • Celiac disease 

  • Crohn’s disease 

  • Irritable bowel syndrome 

  • Dumping syndrome 

  • Hyperthyroidism 

However, loose stools are mostly caused by: 

  • Food and drinks  
    Coffee/ tea being the major culprits of loose stools, these stimulate the intestinal muscles. 
    Foods that irritate the stomach like oily and spicy food can also cause these. 

  • Food poisoning is another reason for the loose stools. However, these are often associated with other symptoms like nausea, stomach cramps, fever etc., 

  • Medicines  
    Certain supplements and medicines like magnesium supplements, laxatives, anti-biotics and medicines related to chemotherapy can be of a cause. 

  • Allergies/ intolerance due to certain foods like lactose etc., can cause loose stools. 

Consequences of loose stools: 

Nutrient deficiencies and dehydration could be two severe complications of loose stools. You should ensure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and address the nutrient deficiencies immediately. 

Loose stools management 

A dietary change is usually recommended to treat loose stools. However, in severe cases, your doctor might suggest you some medications. 

Important dietary changes to include are: 

  • Increase your fibre intake by including whole grain-based foods like whole wheat, millets; legumes/ pulses; leafy vegetables like spinach etc., 

  • Lower the intake of stimulants like coffee/ tea 

  • Include bland diet and foods that don’t irritate the gut like oily and spicy foods. 

  • Identify potential triggers and eliminate them from the diet. 

  • Including healthy probiotics like curd can help in better digestion. 

  • Eat small and frequent meals. Also, chew the food slowly. 

  • Limit high sugary foods  

  • Avoid certain other irritants like alcohol and smoking. 

Loose stools can be extremely uncomfortable. However, addressing the concern at early stages can help in improving digestive health and prevent it from becoming chronic.  




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