SELF HELP RESOURCE - Self Development / Lifestyle Management


Health is the groundwork for happiness. This certainly includes mental health, but along with that, it includes something equally important – physical health. Being healthy does not mean simply the absence of illness or ailment, but it is our overall well being.

All of us are aware about the benefits of staying fit and healthy – countless messages and tips on social media, television and newspaper advertisements, information about the latest fitness centers and various diets on billboards – the information is abundant and extremely evident.

But how does one actually take the first step and make the choice to bring about a change in their lifestyle? How do we make intentionally healthier choices? A lot of us struggle with this and it can get quite frustrating!

If we are able to identify and recognize what motivates us to eat healthy, to drink more water, go for a walk, or to put away that cigarette/extra helping of junk food- then the journey feels less daunting. 

For any choice we make, we have a rationale, a reason behind it. With regards to making a healthier choice, the reason can either be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic is motivation from within. For instance, it is something we enjoy or something that interests us. For an individual, it may be that they enjoy playing a particular sport, or they are able to prioritize sleep, or consciously stay hydrated and so on. 

Extrinsic refers to motivation that comes from our environment. For instance, the thought about our family – thinking about their health and also about keeping oneself healthy for their sake, or a suggestion given by our doctor after an overall health check-up, or a recent health scare. Motivation can be both. Once we identify the rationale that works for us, a reason big enough to motivate and push us, taking that first step becomes a tad bit easier.

After we have contemplated upon this, looked at the pros and cons, then comes determination. This is when we decide to take action and make a change, no matter what it is – it may be deciding to consume less alcohol or caffeine, include vegetables or fruit in our daily meals, or taking the flight of stairs to work rather that the elevator, or it may be to take periodic breaks to avoid sitting for too long when at work. While we are doing this, it is also important to simultaneously keep reflecting on Why we are doing this, as it helps us in maintaining our motivation.

While we begin this journey, it is also essential to keep in mind to be Kind and Compassionate towards ourselves. It may happen that we are not able to achieve the goal we had in mind for a particular day – it is possible that there might be an event at the workplace or in our personal lives which we cannot avoid. In such times, it is crucial not to be too harsh on ourselves, and not to criticize or judge ourselves. Because any real change comes from a positive place, not from a negative, self-berating one.

So, begin this journey TODAY! Get that motivational ball rolling, make the intentional choice to live a healthier life, and get moving!


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