SELF HELP RESOURCE - Self Development / Lifestyle Management


Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life

~Henry L. Doherty.

The fact is that learning something new helps keep you alert and adds interest when life gets monotonous. It can also be a great stress buster as it gives you a break from everyday routine. A great by-product is that it could improve your social life if you join a group to learn something since you will have the opportunity to meet new like-minded people. And you actually become a more interesting person as you add a new dimension to your life.

Sheetal joined a class to learn the local language. This helped her feel more confident about travelling around the city. At the class she met others who were also from out of town and made quite a few new friends.

Ashok decided to learn tennis, something had always wanted to do. He really enjoys the physical exercise and feels his stresses melting away when he is at the court.

Pramod is good at his work but often finds the routine work boring. So he decided to take a weekend course to upgrade his technical skills. He found it challenging and stimulating, and realizes that it would probably also help his career, even though that was not his primary reason.

Not sure what you would like to learn? In case you can't think what activity you might like, here are some suggestions to get you started:


Learn to play an instrument or take singing lessons. It could be something you began to learn as a child and gave up, but perhaps you would learn with greater interest now.

Join classes or invest in a video that teaches you to dance. It can be both invigorating and relaxing, and helps you lose inhibitions.

Upgrade technical skills                                                                  
This will ensure you do not stagnate. Learn more that will help in your current role, or that could help you move into a different role.

Learn a new sport                                                       
E.g. Cycling, swimming, basketball, or training for a marathon. You may have never played before, but there's always a first time. You probably won't become a professional, but there's no reason why you can't learn enough to enjoy yourself. Or find a way to renew involvement in a sport you used to enjoy.

Take up a craft or hobby                                                                 
There are many options like pottery, photography, art, sewing, glass painting or woodwork. You could teach yourself or join a class.

Get more proficient with your computer                                    
You can use different applications that could be useful for work or leisure. One professional learnt how to use a software package to create a family tree and he gets hours of pleasure in learning about family relationships and entering them on a website. The extended family has got very involved and old ties are being renewed.

Learn a language                                                                         
The local language if you are from outside, or perhaps the language of a state/country that you hope to visit.

Read more                                                                                       
You could plan to read a new book each month either related to your area of expertise or general books that add to your knowledge or provide interest or just help you look at life differently.
‘Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions' ~Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Whatever you decide on, try to work out a plan of action. You could learn on your own, take an online course or join a group and learn together. Think about how much time you can spare (you will probably have to MAKE time for this), work out the logistics and then START. The purpose is not to compete or even necessarily to excel, but to enjoy the process. Have fun !

Latest Comments

kvramesh on 14 Dec 2020, 10:51 AM

Good to introspect self .

Nancy09 on 02 Dec 2020, 18:15 PM

Good Read and introspection

SWASTEEK27 on 30 Jun 2017, 10:09 AM

Hey it is good questionier

dawud on 29 Dec 2016, 18:57 PM

how do I write in form ?

vijaycs07 on 31 Dec 2015, 07:11 AM

I have many more things to change..

sriabi on 02 Jul 2014, 18:36 PM

really i want to do althose things