SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


Acne seems to be the most common problem among not just the teenagers but many adults may also face the discomfort of acne at some point in their life. These can be persistent, severe and recurring which can bring down the confidence and self-esteem of an individual causing emotional distress. However, proper care and treatment can help you prevent the frequency of skin breakouts and reduce the prevalence of acne. 

 Common habits that trigger acne: 

  • Hormonal imbalance – An increase in Androgen levels is thought to be the main cause of acne. As the raise in these hormone levels increases the growth of oil glands under the skin and exacerbates oil production leading to acne 

  • Stress – Studies show that, excess stress accelerates the production of insulin hormone which triggers the release of androgens leading to acne (1). 

  • Medications – Prolonged use of certain medications like anti-biotics, anti-depressants etc., can alter the gut microflora and trigger acne. 

  • Diet - Certain processed and refined food can trigger acne as in women these can be the major culprit for insulin resistance and PCOS.  

  • Smoking and alcohol – These induces oxidative stress in the body and changes the composition of sebum which causes acne. 


Effective management of acne. 

As stubborn as acne seems to be, including certain healthy habits can help in its management 

  • Know your triggers, your skin is as much of an individual as you are. What works for your friend, doesn’t always work for you. 

  • Be sure to practice skin hygiene like washing your face etc., you can get in touch with a dermatologist for more information. 

  • Quit smoking and alcohol as these can increase oxidative stress and toxin accumulation in the body. 

  • Try to manage your stress levels through yoga/ meditation. 

 These tips help in managing acne, but the old saying goes-, “you are what you eat”. Let's take a closer look at the link between diet and acne 

Several studies have found that, a healthy diet can help in treating and preventing acne (2, 3, 4). Consuming junk/ unhealthy foods, raises your blood sugar levels rapidly which triggers the release of insulin- a hormone. Excess levels of insulin in the body causes excess oil production in the skin which increases an acne outbreak. These foods, which raises blood sugar levels are classified as high glycaemic foods, in simpler terms, they are made of simple sugars and contain less fibre. 

Other research suggests that, besides high glycaemic foods, acne is often triggered by foods high in saturated and trans fats; as these often raise the body’s inflammation levels which causes acne.  

Acne healing foods: 

  • Including a diet high in complex carbohydrates can reduce the prevalence of acne. These foods are also low glycaemic which can regulate insulin. 
    These are found in whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. 

  • Including anti-inflammatory foods like zinc, Vitamin E, A can help in reducing the body’s inflammation thereby, controlling acne. 
    These are found in whole grains, lentils, legumes like beans, chickpeas, peas; low-fat milk and yoghurt; yellow, red and green vegetables like spinach, pumpkin, peppers (capsicum); fruits like papaya; nuts like almonds, cashews pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds; poultry and sea food. 

  • Anti-oxidants often act as healing foods for acne, as these help in reducing oxidative stress in the body and which helps in lowering the inflammation. 
    These are found in fresh fruits and vegetables like berries, citrus fruits, cabbage, beetroots, tomato and leafy greens like spinach, kale. 

  • Omega-3 rich foods helps in neutralizing body’s toxins and oxidative damage and helps in healing the skin. 
    These are usually found in fish and other sea food like Indian salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, sardines; nuts and seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts. 

While modifying the diet and lifestyle helps in reducing the frequency and severity of acne, it is important to address the root cause and get it treated completely.  




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