SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


Liver is the largest organ in your body. It detoxifies the body and protects it from harmful substances like any drugs, carcinogens and other harmful food ingredients that might have entered your body. It is often referred to as the gatekeeper of the body and works round the clock. It also processes nutrients, stores sugar to balance the energy levels in your body and protects you from falling sick.

Liver needs significant nutritional support as well, for it to be healthy, to work properly. There are foods that can help nourish the liver and can be added in your diet. These aid in rejuvenation, cleansing, nourishment and detoxification of liver.

•    Cruciferous green vegetables – These are excellent foods for liver. They are good sources of vitamins A, C & K. Leafy veggies like spinach, kale and mustard greens have chlorophyll which negates the harmful effects of metals and environmental toxins on liver. Other greens like cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts help the liver in producing more enzymes that assists in detoxifying the body and aid digestion. They are high in fibre and naturally aid in cleansing as the dietary fibre pushes toxin-filled waste through the digestive tract. Broccoli has vitamin E which also acts as an antioxidant.

•    Carrots are good source of glutathione- a compound that helps liver produce more enzyme and assists in detoxifying.

•    Beets naturally cleanse and purify blood, boost liver function and nutrient production in the body. They are high in antioxidants and other nutrients which are beneficial to the liver like folate, iron, betacyanins, betalains. It has fibre in the form of pectin which helps you feel full. It is known for its cleansing properties which help the body flush toxins that are stored in liver. This helps blood purification as well. 

•    Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, butternuts are all rich in beta carotene which is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. It gets converted to vitamin A in the liver which is vital for liver functioning. They are also rich in fibre and vitamin C which helps the liver function at its best and improves immunity. 

•    Lemons, oranges, grape fruits are all beneficial for the liver. They provide antioxidants and are rich in vitamin C. It helps liver produce more enzymes which help in digestion and give more energy. They help neutralize toxins and excrete wastes. It helps liver fight off the disease and boosts immune system.

•    Lentils, being a natural source of plant based protein are rich in fibre and assist in cleansing. Lentils are one of the easily digested proteins. 

•    Apples are rich in pectin and malic acid and helps in removing toxins, cholesterol and carcinogens from blood.

•    Garlic has a compound called allicin, which helps to cleanse impurities out of liver. 

•    Onions being rich in selenium, phytonutrients and flavonoids help in fighting against diseases and helps remove toxins from the body, making it easier for the liver to function.

•    Turmeric has healing properties and helps prevent fat accumulation in the liver.

•    Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for liver functioning. The sources include walnuts, avocados, pumpkin seeds, almonds, flax seeds. Walnuts and avocados are rich in amino acid arginine which helps liver function better.

•    Asparagus has diuretic properties that help flush out toxins and allows liver to work better.  

•    Ginger helps boost metabolism, increases secretions from digestive system and improve liver profile. 

•    Berries are rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins which cleanses the body naturally. These are potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. These helps prevent hepatic lipid accumulation (fat storage in liver). 

To help your liver stay healthy, watch your consumption of fried foods, alcohol and sugary drinks which contains fructose like sweetened sodas (Coke, Pepsi, Fanta), packaged fruit juices, etc. These foods when consumed in high quantities frequently, can lead to fatty liver disease. Drinking alcohol more than your liver can process can result in damage of liver cells and can lead to cirrhosis. Too many fried foods can cause gall stones and can block the movement of bile from liver into gall bladder. 

Thus, make sure that you are taking care of your liver and eat healthy foods which help boost your immune system, to be able to stay healthy.

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