SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Health


In the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic across the globe, protective measures are in place. All public places including schools, shops, malls, work places etc being shut, it can be over-whelming for one and all. However, these are of utmost importance since social isolation can help prevent the spread of the infection!

In-case you have been asked to self-quarantine (for coming in contact with a person found to be positive with the virus or for having a travel history to any infected areas), here’s how you can maintain a healthy lifestyle –

Kitchen comes first!

  • Do a quick scan and clear out the food that has gone bad or is on the verge of going bad.
  • Stock up on all the essential food groups – ranging from proteins, grains, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits, dairy. You should have supplies which can last you for 2 weeks straight.
  • Piling up doesn’t necessarily mean opting for ready to eat or processed foods, you can buy and freeze fresh vegetables and prepare a variety of healthy recipes. Remember you are at home and you can utilize the time saved in commuting to plan and prepare healthy meals.
  • Meal prepping fresh foods and freezing them is one way to avoid processed foods.
  • Stock up on the dry foods like brown rice, whole wheat and whole grain flours, high fibre cereals like oats, dried legumes like beans, rajmah, peas. They have longer shelf lives, are easy to store and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes.
  • Even if this isn’t your first or ideal choice, it would be wise to stock up on shelf stable milk (tetra packs). This is especially important if you have school going children at home.
  • Try out cooking new healthy recipes for lunch or dinner, you also end up saving a lot of money you otherwise spend on healthy foods from a restaurant.
  • Make a conscious effort to minimize the intake of sugars and caffeinated beverages. It can reduce the stress on your body.
  • Don’t skip meals and also don’t over eat.  Both are important factors in determining your gut health which can have an impact on your immunity.
  • Being at home all the time can also mean more mindless snacking. Try to have fixed meal timings so that you don’t feel hungry at odd hours and end up munching on fried foods or gobble down cups of coffee/ tea every 2-3 hours.
  • Boredom also can make you crave for junk food! Eating mindfully is important.


Physical activity:

Staying active acts as an anxiety coping mechanism. But with the shutdown, several gyms and parks are closed to the public! And you are forced to stay at home to prioritise safety and social distancing. What can be done in this situation?

There are numerous workouts that you can do at home, with little or no equipment. Here’s where DVD workouts, live streamed exercises and YouTube videos come in handy. You can browse for a suitable workout routine from a certified channel and follow that.

Take this time to meditate, get that much needed alone time and relax your mind, make meditation a daily routine.

Working from home:

It almost sounds like a coveted opportunity, except when you start doing it, its easy to go off track!  Follow regular routine as how you were while stepping out to work even when you are working from home. This includes getting dressed, eating food on time and getting up and moving around so you are not sitting sedentary for too long.


You will do a lot more of sitting than usual, make yourself comfortable while working. Try to use a wooden chair rather than working from your bed. Slouching and bad posture can negatively affect your back.

Create an office space – a dedicated work space ensures that you focus better on the work during work hours.

Personal hygiene:

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention advises washing hands frequently with soap. Make sure you have adequate hygiene supplies, but be sensitive and don’t hoard supplies and deprive others. It’s not just about keeping yourself safe, it’s about community wellness as well. These measures ensure the containment of the infection.

Sanitizer is not needed when you are at home, it is only required when you don’t have access to water and soap.

When tissues are not available, keep cotton handkerchiefs handy.

Make sure to stock up on toiletries like bathroom supplies, personal hygiene products and cleaning agents. These products run out easily during quarantine/ shut down.

Make sure to sit in the balcony for a while to soak up in the sun. It’s not only for fresh air, but sunlight provides you Vitamin D, which can improve your immunity.


Avoid binge watching Netflix and its likes to relax. Keep in mind that watching tv or movies on your laptop for long hours takes a toll on your eye health. Try out something more creative like- art, play those board games and puzzles you stocked up for vacation times or cosy up with your favourite novels.

Try and make the most of this quarantine! The healthier your lifestyle remains in these times, the better you bounce back to normalcy!

Stay healthy, stay safe.





Latest Comments

nivm on 05 Jul 2022, 11:47 AM

As someone who is in the beginning stages of her career, this article helped me reflect on the questions I will need to ask myself to get the most of my work relationships.

Victorian on 08 May 2021, 19:29 PM

Good Article!

SimratSinsinwar on 02 Jun 2020, 11:59 AM

The mentor's role is important in helping us wade unknown territories and informs our decision with their lives experience. the four Ws of reflection are a helpful startpoint which would help most in receiving helpful feedback when seeking guidance. Good article!