SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Nutrition


We eat to nourish and sustain our bodies. Besides nourishment, food serves other purposes. It contains nutrients that give good health and prevent disease. We have family gatherings and meet with friends over meals, this serves to strengthen family and social bonds. But how can food help create a healthy environment?

Nowadays, we are being increasingly aware of environment conservation. Our blue planet is at risk of a huge environmental burden due to greenhouse gas emission, deforestation and fuel emissions. India is a key player at environmental talks like the Paris Agreement (Accepted on October 2nd, 2016). Our country ranks as the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world. We are not far behind China and the United States of America. This is alarming, considering we are a smaller country in terms of geographical size. 

One way of helping in environment conservation is going green with our eating habits. We need to look beyond our plates and explore how our food is produced and where it comes from. 

While making decisions for a better environment here are a few tips that can help.

1.    Start even before you leave home:
Carry a cloth or jute bag with you when you go grocery shopping. You may need to do this anyway in some places. Cities like Bangalore have banned plastic since March 2016. This may seem like a small change. But think of this- if an individual uses sustainable eco- friendly bags, starting from the age of 25, in a lifetime they would have saved 21,000 plastic bags! Now that’s huge!

2.    Minimize! 
Look for foods and produce that contains minimal packaging. Snacks, junk foods and processed beverages are packed with unsustainable material like plastic and Styrofoam (which is a possible carcinogen).

3.    Eat fresh seasonal foods
In a tropical country like India, we are spoilt for choice when it comes down to fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating seasonal foods enables you to benefit from their nutrients. It also means, the nutrients are retained since they travel shorter distances to reach you. 
This helps lower the carbon footprint. Eating fruits and vegetables is not only good for the planet but also for your health!

4.    Going organic
Going organic is the latest hype. Though food grown this way benefits the environment, these foods tend to be more expensive. While all food does not need to be organic, the following foods are better sourced from an organic store or farm.
•    Apples and pears
•    Peaches and plums
•    Leafy greens
•    Fresh berries
•    Meat and dairy without antibiotics, steroids or synthetic additives. Grass fed meat and milk contains CLA- Conjugated Linoleic Acid. This helps boost immunity and lowers body fat

5.    Reduce eating out:
Besides saving money and car fuel, home cooked food has its benefits. It gives you control over portion size, cooking methods, choice of ingredients, salt, sugar and fat (and type of fat) being used. This ensures you are eating a nutritious meal, provided you follow healthy cooking methods at home. Eat some foods raw- salads. This way again, you can save on energy/ fuel being used to power kitchen appliances.

6.    What about leftovers? 
Food waste and vegetable peels can be composted. Composting helps reduce on the amount of wet waste generated. This can act as an excellent fertilizer (refer to article- From Trash to Treasure). Food scraps can also be revamped and used to prepare certain dishes and recipes. Doubling recipes can help you have extra food for the next day or next meal. This way you do not need to depend on food from the cafeteria or outside. Cooking extra helps save on time and energy.

7.    Green Thumb
If you have the privilege of space, try growing your own vegetables and greens. Apartment dwellers can create vertical or box gardens. Foods like mint, lemon grass, greens, herbs and tomatoes can be easily grown in this way.

Start small, try and cook a few locally produced meals per week. Limit meat to lesser than once a week. Eat healthy right sized and balanced meals. Your waist, wallet AND the environment will thank you. Help conserve resources for our beautiful planet!


With inputs from

Latest Comments

selfwellness on 11 Dec 2019, 14:32 PM

which diet to follow then?

bhargavas on 02 Jul 2019, 11:57 AM

good information

muralisale on 25 Jun 2019, 10:37 AM

relation to age factor can also be highlighted.. at what band of age which diet for a normal person can help in reduction of weight

nimish79 on 24 Jun 2019, 17:59 PM

very Informative...!