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Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, is a hormonal disorder in which the ovaries produce too many male hormones. These hormonal changes can cause changes in a woman's normal ovulation cycle resulting in infertility. Other associated conditions include- weight gain, ovarian cysts, hair growth, acne, increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes and endometrial cancer.

Folic Acid supplementation may help women affected by PCOS as it can help treat infertility. On-going studies say that women with PCOS may be able to improve their chances of getting pregnant by taking 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. Folic acid helps by reducing the chances of miscarriage. Folic acid is important for DNA synthesis in a process called methylation, where carbon groups in cells form different compounds that keep our cells running. During pregnancy a healthy DNA and proper cell division is important to sustain growth of the foetus. Folic acid also plays a role in preventing neural tube defects.

Women with PCOS are at risk for elevated levels of homocysteine. This has been linked to excess insulin production, stroke and heart disease. Folic acid is protective against homocysteine when taken in the recommended doses.

Sources of folic acid include:

1. Meat
Liver, skinless chicken, kidney and egg yolk

2. Legumes
Dried beans, peas, lentils, dals, soy bean and nuts

3. Fruit and vegetables
Spinach, beetroot, sprouts, broccoli, banana and oranges

Women with PCOS need to eat right and be consistent with exercise. These lifestyle changes go a long way to help control symptoms. While planning to conceive alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as they increase the risk of miscarriage with PCOS.


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