All of us experience change on a day to day basis. This change maybe short term - for example, with regard to routines or certain activities that we may or may not do. There could also be more long-term and life defining changes such as getting married, moving to a new country, changing jobs, even losing someone to death. Change can be positive as it marks advancement and progress into the future. However, at times change can be quite stressful and causes a lot of disruption as it alters a set pattern of behaviour and forces us to respond in a different manner.
When making a transition from one stage of life to another there are emotional responses to the losses that people experience because of the changes. This is normal as change in one area, tends to impact other areas of our life as well. Those going through change need to recognize these emotions in themselves, and develop ways to manage their own feelings. If these emotions are not adequately dealt with then they could have a negative impact on the person's life, leading to increased stress or frustration.
There are different emotions that a person going through change can experience. Everyone deals with major changes in their own way - some of us may respond with anger, whereas someone might be able to identify a positive side to it. Below are some of the common stages that people might go through when dealing with difficult change and the thoughts they tend to think at that stage:
Shock and Denial - "I can't believe this is happening!"
Distrust - "I wonder what they are going to get out of making us adjust to this new thing. I am sure there is something more than the reasons they are telling us."
Anger and Guilt - "How dare they change the location now? Don't they realize how inconvenient it is?"
Depression, Anxiety and Stress - "There are so many things that I have to adjust to because I shifted to another team. I have to make new friends; my work is so different; how am I going to cope?"
Regret - "I wish I had made adequate preparations to deal with this issue before it happened. If I only had the time to make those changes now..."
Becoming aware of these emotions would help you deal with them better. For example, if you are experiencing anger then you could look at specific relaxation techniques that would help you calm down. In addition to being aware of your emotions and dealing with them, another important thing to do is to deal positively with the change.
Change often comes to us unexpectedly and the confusion it leaves us with may be overwhelming. Here are some suggestions for you to cope:
Accept How You Feel
How you feel is normal - there is no right or wrong way of dealing with change. Everyone has different ways of coping with change, and all of your emotions are acceptable.
Sleep on it and See Through the Emotion
Avoid being hasty about anything; let it sink in. Often we get so caught up with our emotions that we tend to make decisions that could do us more harm than good. Give yourself time to calm down and then let logic help you make a decision. Here you can combine the facts that you have and be very honest and realistic with yourself when you reflect on the possibilities. What opportunities could this change present? In what all ways is your life going to get altered?
Create a Plan
Once you have been able to identify the way this transition affects different areas of your life, you could look at how you can cope with it. For example, if you have to relocate to a different city then look at what changes you would have to deal with - a new culture, a new language, looking for a place to stay etc. If you anticipate these changes you can prepare for them better by reading about the culture, or looking for new accommodation or making acquaintances. You could also utilize the change to create better opportunities for yourself and thus lead a more fulfilling life. As Benjamin Franklin said, ‘Out of adversity truly comes opportunity.'
Look for Change
Accepting the fact that change is a constant process is important. A positive thing about change is that it equips us with skills and resources as a result of learning to cope with it. Utilize your new skills (which you would not have had if you had not experienced change) and invest in your interests in the future. Be creative! If your travel time is going to change, think of how you can make that time more interesting. Or if you commute to work using the office shuttle, you could catch up on talking to friends or listen to music and use the time for relaxing.
Even though you are going through change, you can still find moments of success and celebrate that you are in control; that you are being creative, positive and capable. It might reduce the frustration and hassle you feel as you deal with the transition. Remember - there are some things we are in control of, and some that we have no control over. The sooner we accept we cannot change certain things, the sooner we are able to move on and find solutions that we can apply.
Share and learn
Share your positive experiences with others. Sharing takes the edge off of dealing with the issue all on your own and decreases your frustration. You could also talk to people who have gone through similar changes in their lives. It may help you look at new ways in which you could deal with the situation.
Change is something we have to face in life, but it need not be frightening, frustrating or sad! By embracing change and following these tips, you can not only cope with it more effectively but also use the transition to enrich your life!
Sharmiladevendran on 03 May 2024, 15:18 PM
Very well put!Amitkumar009 on 25 Nov 2023, 20:20 PM
No commentdshashee on 11 Jan 2017, 13:47 PM
Much needed article for me.This article really changed my mind from being selfishness to help others. Thanks a lot for telling us benefits of volunteering.