SELF HELP RESOURCE - Self Development / Emotions and Personality


Self-image can be defined as one’s perception of oneself in the context of their relationships, performance, and appearance. One evaluates his/her strengths and weaknesses in these areas to form an image of himself/herself.  
Based on the positive and negative attributes, one ascribes certain labels to his/ her identity; for example, shy, introverted, looser, competitive, dedicated etc. The labels determine whether one has a healthy or unhealthy perception of themselves. These labels further lead to the formation of a positive or negative belief system around us, which either encourages us to work towards success or discourages us from even trying. 

"I can’t believe I just did this." 
"How could I even do this?" 
"What was I even thinking." 
"This is the worst I could have ever done." 
Statements such as these can be identified in people who have a negative self-image. Such individuals constantly focus on their weaknesses and flaws. They tend to judge themselves most of the time and end up criticizing themselves or being disappointed. 
Such people’s lives are mostly defined by the opinions of others and societal standards, causing them to set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Not being able to meet these ideal standards validates the labels they attach to themselves and adds to their general level of dissatisfaction with self and life. 
On the contrary, people with healthy self-images are usually not influenced by the opinions or expectations of others. Their image is based on their individual feelings and perspectives. They set expectations based on realistic grounds after assessing and acknowledging their strengths and flaws, without being judgmental of themselves.  
Overall, the mental self-image they have of themselves is based on their view of reality. This gives them a more optimistic view of life and a greater sense of control in general. It also brings them a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment. 
Therefore, in order to have a more empowered life, one needs to develop a healthy sense of self. It gives a more realistic perception of self and reduces the chances of an individual feeling unhappy or frustrated.  


Research suggests it is quite frequently seen that people who have had difficult experiences in life find it difficult to stay optimistic. They generally associate the negative experiences with themselves and label themselves for the same. It is well understood that they often find it difficult to have a healthy image of themselves and a transition from a negative self-image to a positive self-image can be a challenge. Though it is difficult, self-image can still be altered, if one really works towards it. 

The following strategies can be followed to modify an unhealthy self-image into a healthy one.  


  • Discover Yourself-  

"Who am I?" 
"How am I?" 
"What defines who I am?" 
"How do I see myself?" 
"How accurate is this view?" 
"Is this who I really am or have others decided this for me?" 
"What is my true self/ could there be something more below the surface that everyone sees?" 

Asking yourself these questions is necessary to understand who you are, what you mean to yourself and how your ‘self’ has formed, over the years. Is it real or ideal? 

  • Make a Personal Inventory for yourself- 

Take out some time for yourself and make a list of all the possible positive attributes you could think of. Make sure these attributes are truly present and not something that you’d like to develop.  

Once this is done, you can make a list of those attributes that others appreciate in you. Following this, understand what your areas of strength are and what needs more work to be done. Post this, set goals for yourself to work on the areas of development while continuing to use what you already have.  

  • Explore Yourself- 

Based on the past experiences and the relationships you have had, understand what your perspective is based on. Are the labels that you attach to yourself really yours?  

Understand if the voice in your mind is a critical one. Write down your thoughts in your personal inventory and identify if those thoughts are helping you in any way. Are they taking you forward or pushing you away from the goal, are they based on isolated events or multiple ones? 

Be kind to yourself- 

Once you have understood the critical voice in your head then think,  
would I be so critical of someone else if they had made the same mistake? 
would I have been equally harsh? 

If the answer is no, then try to be a little kinder to yourself. Acknowledging the mistake and trying to work towards improving it could bring in a sense of control. 

  • Create an Accurate view of yourself- 

Based on the above four, understand where your strengths truly lie, who you really are as a person (not based on what others say) and how would you like to be after assessing your resources and shortcomings. Work towards being what is possible and take help whenever needed. 

In the end, building a healthy self-image is all about you, how you alone — without external influences — see yourself and that’s what counts in the end. 

Amirazodi, F., & Amirazodi, M. (2011). Personality traits and self-esteem. SciVersi ScienceDirect, 29, 713-716. 
Fazio, R. H. (n.d.). Self-perception theory: A current perspective. 
Laird, J. D., & Bresler, C. (1992). The process of emotional experience: A self-perception theory. In M. S. Clark (Ed.), Review of personality and social psychology, No. 13. Emotion (pp. 213-234). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc. 
The Importance of a Positive Self-Image: What's Your Internal Voice Saying? (n.d.). Retrieved from 
Steele, C. M., Spencer, S. J., & Lynch, M. (1993). Self-image resilience and dissonance: The role of affirmational resources. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64(6), 885-896. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.64.6.885 
What Really Strengthens Self-Esteem. (2016, July 17). Retrieved from 

If you would like to discuss this further or need some help or support in this or any other area, our counsellors would be happy to help. 
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Latest Comments

denie on 05 Jul 2022, 12:45 PM

This is a great read!

yash0210 on 25 May 2020, 11:37 AM

Very motivating and helpful

raj1628 on 23 Feb 2020, 13:33 PM

Excellent content!!Thank you for sharing!!